Chapter 9

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Percy POV

Oh gods... the divination teacher said all the prophecies I've been a part of.

If this is only my first day, how bad is it going to get before the end of the year?

I rushed around the castle, trying to find a private place so I could IM Annabeth.

I had looked all over the castle and found nothing. I was pacing in a hallway somewhere on the 7th floor when suddenly, a door appeared. Curious, I opened it and saw a room with a bowl of water, a crystal, and a stack of drachmas.

I formed a rainbow and called Annabeth.

We talked for a while.

"I have to go, Wise Girl," I said. "People are probably looking for me."

"I'm going to get Rachel," Annabeth replied. "Prophecy or not, I'm coming to find you."

Harry POV

The next morning, we were all eating breakfast in the great hall when a pretty girl with blonde hair and gray eyes came in and walked up to Dumbledore. She talked with him for a minute before turning around and walking up to Percy. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the hall.

"Ron!" I said quietly so Hermione wouldn't hear. "I'm going to follow them."

I slipped my invisibility cloak out of my bag and put it on. Then I walked out of the great hall and down the stairs towards the dungeons.

There I found Percy and the girl kissing.

They pulled apart. The girl said, "You missed our date, Seaweed Brain."

Percy honestly looked a little scared. "Sorry. Please don't judo flip me."

The girl laughed.

"Did you get a prophecy?" Percy asked.

"No. I just annoyed Chiron until he let me leave. Well, less annoyed and more gave an hour long presentation on why I should come. Then I got Nico to bring me."

Percy laughed. "Speaking of Nico, I think he may be haunting me with his ghosts. I keep hearing noises when there's no one there."

The girl replied. "Do you think maybe it's someone invisible?"

I stepped back, scared she knew I was there.

"I don't know, but I think our top priority is dealing with Voldemort." Percy said.

"Have you been getting any dreams lately?" The girl asked.

"No, only nightmares from..." Percy trailed off.

"I had a dream last night," The girl said. "It was some noseless guy, I think Voldemort, and I think he's teaming up with the giants. I think some have already returned."

Percy groaned. "Does that mean-"

"Another war."

Demigods and Wizards (Because the fates hate Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now