Chapter 6

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Percy's POV

When I saw Hogwarts, my first thought was 'Annabeth would LOVE this'.

It was a huge castle with turrets and a lake and a forest. The lights shining out of the windows made the whole place look very cozy. Not that I could relax, being a demigod and all. We stepped off the train. A huge man stood there calling "First years this way!"

My hand slid to Riptide.

"Hi Hagrid!" Hermione exclaimed.

Neville (Son of Dementer) waved.

"H'llo Hermione! H'llo Harry and Ron!" He said.

I relaxed. If Hermione trusted him he couldn't be bad. I followed the rest of the group up to where a line of carriages waited. I started towards one but then-

"What... are those things?" I muttered to myself. Pulling the carriages were horses, but they looked spooky and unnerving. They were bony and their faces resembled that of a dragon with blank white eyes. They had wings sprouting out of their backs that looked like bat wings.

Luna (Daughter of Iris) came up to me. "You can see them, right? Only people who have seen death can see them."

"Yeah." I replied, though I wished I couldn't see them. I had seen too much death.

Harry's POV

When we got to the school, Professor McGonagall took Percy to wait with her so he could be sorted. The rest of us went into the Great Hall. Luna said goodbye and went to the Ravenclaw table.

After all the first years had been sorted, it was Percy's turn. A murmur of whispers filled the crowd as McGonagall called "Riddle, Perseus."

"Um... It's actually just Percy. Percy Jackson." Percy said.

He sat on the stool and put the hat on his head. It sat there for a heartbeat before calling out "GRYFFINDOR!"

Percy pulled the hat off his head. He was pale, and I could tell he was shivering. He walked towards our table, sitting down next to Hermione. She whispered "Are you okay, Percy?" He nodded weakly.

Dumbledore stood.

"Welcome back to another wonderful year at Hogwarts. I have three important announcements to make. Firstly, I would like to welcome our new potions teacher, Professor Slughorn. He will be replacing Professor Snape, who will in turn be teaching Defense against the Dark Arts. Second, The post of divination teacher will now be shared between Professor Trelawney and Professor Firenze. Third, Perseus -Percy Jackson will be joining us this year, from America. He is to be treated like any other student. That is all. Now you may tuck into our delicious feast!"

Food filled the tables and the hall was filled with the noises of people talking and cutlery clanging against plates.

As soon as the food appeared, Percy took a bit off his plate and scooped it into a jar of green stuff. I looked at him strangely but didn't say anything. Then Percy was eating. Faster than I could say 'Sorting Hat' the food on his plate was gone. He was eating faster than even Ron, the fastest eater at the Gryffindor table. All through dinner, people were looking over, staring at him. It wasn't like when I showed up, though. People weren't admiring him. They were glaring at him, their stares a mix of fear, anger and suspicion. I looked over at Percy. His hands, though they had stopped shaking, were still ghostly pale.

Demigods and Wizards (Because the fates hate Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now