Chapter 12

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Harry POV

After I apologized to Hermione, I thought things were going to be fine.

"I agree with you," She said. "There's definitely something going on with Percy and his friends, and I want to know what it is. But I'm glad you don't think he's a Death Eater anymore."

We were talking about what Percy could be hiding when a large BOOM! Echoed from the entrance hall. We raced down right after Percy and his friends. We reached the entrance hall, where all the students were flooding from the Great Hall where they'd been eating dinner. Our large group pushed through the crowd.

Voldemort was there! He was surrounded by Death Eaters, weird monsters, and giants with scaly legs.

"Oh, no." Nico said.

Percy shouted, "Wizards, deal with Voldemort. We've got the giants!"

"What-" Ron asked, but Percy and his friends had already started fighting.

Leo was running around the green legs of one of the giants, who had a giant spear. Leo was shouting. "WHAT'S UP, ENCHILADAS?" as the giant roared, "VALDEZ!".

Frank had morphed into a bear (How did he do that?) and Hazel had mounted a horse that was moving so fast it was a blur. They were attacking a giant with gold skin and rust-colored legs.

Percy was taking on a giant with green hair and blue skin. He was dropping snakes from his hair, but Thalia was chopping them to bits before they hit the ground.

Annabeth and Piper were fighting a giant with coal-black legs, skin, hair and armor. He was like the giant equivalent of Nico.

Jason was fighting the biggest giant, whose green hair was braided with weapons.

The rest of Percy's friends were chopping down the monsters.

One vampire thing came up to Nico. She was really pretty, even with her flaming hair and mismatched legs. Harry could tell she was trying to distract Nico by being really sexy and seductive, but he just looked bored. He said, "I'm gay." and stabbed her.

They were holding their own, but suddenly, everything got ten times worse.

Demigods and Wizards (Because the fates hate Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now