Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

On the 1st of September, everyone was running around grabbing luggage so we could apparate to Kings Cross Station. When everyone was ready, Percy and I grabbed Mrs. Weasley and Ron, Hermione, and Ginny held on to Mr. Weasley. I got the familiar feeling of being crushed from every direction before we appeared at the station, Fred and George, who had apparated on their own, appeared a split second later. Mr. Weasley loaded everything onto two trolleys.

"Alright," Mr. Weasley said. "It'll be best to do this in pairs. Fred and George with one trolley first, then Ron and Hermione next, then Harry and Percy, then Molly and I will come last with the other trolley."

Fred and George set off at a run, pushing the trolley in front of them, and disappeared

through the barrier. Ron and Hermione followed. Then it was our turn. I glared at Percy. I still didn't trust him. I ran towards the barrier, ahead of Percy, but as the Hogwarts Express came into view, someone grabbed my arm. I turned and saw Percy holding my back. How had he caught up to me so fast?

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Look. Everyone seems fine with me being here, except you and Ron, and I wanted to know why."

"You know why? Because you're a filthy Death Eater and you may have fooled everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know you're a murderer and a liar just like your grandpa!"

I waited for him to try to curse me or spout some lie about how he wasn't a Death Eater, but he just let go of my arm and walked away. I waited to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley. When I got on the train, every compartment was full except the one where Percy was sitting with Hermione. I entered and sat down as Ron came in after me. Percy was looking down at one of his books when Neville and Luna appeared by the doorway.

"Can we sit here?" Neville asked. "Everywhere else is full."

At the sound of Neville's voice, Percy looked up in amazement. "Neville? Luna?"

"PERCY!" They both exclaimed.

"So this is where you disappeared to? Everyone at Camp thought Hera was pulling another of her tricks!"

Luna laughed. "I come here every school year. Neville moved here a while ago but I've been keeping him updated on..." She trailed off, glancing nervously at Ron, Hermione and I. "...Stuff."

"How do you know Luna and Neville?" I ask.

"We go to the same summer camp." Percy replied smoothly.

The snack trolley came rolling past and the witch pushing it asked "Anything off the trolley, dears?"

"I'll try everything!" Said Percy, handing the witch some coins.

I bought some food for the rest of us, not trusting Percy, though Neville and Luna seemed perfectly happy to share with him.

"So is anyone else from camp here?" Percy asked.

"You'll have to wait and see." Said Neville.

"You're really gonna do that to a guy with ADHD, man?" Percy groaned. "I'm gonna have to tell everyone at camp that I saw you. Right after I tell them where I've been. No one but Annabeth knows I'm here... OH GODS!!! NO ONE BUT ANNABETH KNOWS I'M HERE! THALIA'S GONNA KILL ME!!!"

Luna and Neville laughed.

"You can send everyone at camp a letter when we get to school." Neville said.

Percy, Neville and Luna spent the rest of the train ride talking quietly amongst themselves. Hermione read a book and Ron and I were trying to figure out what they were talking about. We heard a few words like 'Annabeth' 'Chiron' 'Leo' and 'Prophecies', but not much else.

The sky was dark by the time we arrived, all of us had changed into our robes.

"Get ready, Percy," Luna said. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

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