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       Life as a foreigner has never been easy,no family and no friends and It took 3 to 4 part-time jobs to earn a reasonable wage. Even with that, regular payment for her accomodations and feeding was a struggle.

      Completely rolled up in her blanket,the sleeping bundle stretched her arms and legs , turning continuously till she was at the edge and falling out and falling out of the bed. Her eyes sprung open,"....ah what!..",still half asleep,she pushed herself up to sit down on the floor rubbing her the aching knee with her blanket wrapped over her head. Her head went round on a search round the room trying to remember when she fell asleep and most importantly where she was.Her phone chimed on the side table causing her to turn her head to it, Again, confused on what alien that was.
A name sudden came to her mind. $TORM. "I have an interview....!",she jumped to her feet dumping the huge blanket on the bed as dashed into the bathroom.

         Unable to go through a full morning routine,she threw on a pair of black suit trouser and a plain blue shirt which she randomly picked from her closet and a pair of stiletto to add to her height. She stood in front of the mirror with her curly hair finally combed out contemplating if she needed to wear makeup. Reaching for the eyeliners on the table,she changed her mind midway and grabbed a nose mask.she was already late as it was. She flung her 'Vintage winter collection 57,Muharmusi' jacket over her shoulders,picked up her bag along a big brown envelope and her phone ensuring she wasn't leaving anything behind.

       She got to the 19th floor of $TORM's building,her jaws dropping at the magnificent sight before her. The crystal clear glass walls with a clear view of outside reminding her of her fear of heights. She looked at the small map in her hand ,taking the left turn towards where the interview was to hold.
        $TORM,one of the most prestigious Non-governmental business organization in South Korea, ran,funded and founded by The Kims. They acquired many small companies giving them power in different sector of economy. Old and young prayed to work for them,and in the first time in 2years they were hiring. Ryan had one palm over her face surprised at the number of people who turned up.

       The interview started with groups of 10 being called into the office one after another,most people returning with a frown and some even crying too. Her anxiety began to set in,"if there were 300 people here right now....then there should be..... about 150? 150 people way skilled than I am .......Only 50 would be hired anyways.. " ,she stroke her jaw ,too engulfed in her thoughts"... I'm really not going to get this job..." high-key screwed fml.

        The door creaked open,the crowd of people rushing towards the opening door hoping for the small man to call their names. Ryan rose her head from her thought watching a group of well dressed directors walk out of the office avoiding every form of physical contact with the applicants gathered in front of the only exit.
      The door creaked again revealing the small man standing by it,he clapped his small hands attracting everybody's attention before finally speaking,"There's something the board need to attend to..... So if you haven't been interviewed yet,you should drop your credentials at the front desk and return tomorrow morning...."
Ryan heaved a sigh of relief, relaxing more into her chair. This gives her more time to prepare,shake off the anxiety wear a nice dress and probably put on makeup. Definitely the crowd tomorrow would be smaller so it's a win-win situation.

     To avoid the crowded elevator she made a quick decision to wait behind till she was the last one going down.
      She walked straight into the elevator to relax on the wall echoing The the instructions the small man had given 'drop your credentials at the front desk '.
The door had began to close when she heard footsteps approaching the elevator,she looked up through the closing doors and she caught sight of a man walking to the elevator and right on time stopping it and walking in, giving her a nod as he greeted.

CHASING RYAN Where stories live. Discover now