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      Her heels clicked as she walked to the centre of the room,loving the reaction on every of the director's face.It was a normal thing to get surprised stares whenever she stepped into a place. Her lips molded into a wide smile conjuring the best Korean accent she had," Good day,My name is Ryan Monique Rieles...",she did a full 90 degree bow, absentmindedly fondling with the hem of her skirt.

Whilst the interview went on,Texas sat quietly, suddenly doubtful.
'What if it's not her?.…',
He had gone back to search the playground and it's vicinity multiple times for the past 10 years and all of a sudden she's standing in front of him? No. It's too good to be true.

      "Apart from that,is there any...."

He cleared his throat, interrupting the blonde lady who was asking questions with every eyes turning to meet his.With a keen look on his face,he flicked the lid of his pen,"....and how did you learn to speak Korean so well?",he crossed his hand in front of his chest, replaying the very first moment,if it was really 'her' the response ought to be similar,right?.

Ever since she migrated to south Korea this was the question she's frequently asked followed by 'are you Beyonce', The corner of her lips switched into a sly smile maintaining eye contact with the boss, "Do you know how to speak English,sir?".

'It has to be her,those eyes look just the same.......'
He adjusted his posture on his chair,with zero facial expression "Yes,why?",his flawless English accent echoing round the quiet room.
Her smile contoured into a smirk, pointing her index finger at him," and how did you learn to speak .... sir?",she spat back causing Terry as well as the 3 other directors to howl in excitement.

       The world suddenly went quiet and the time paused for a minute. The only thing Texas could hear was his heart beat."It's her.....I found her, finally...." He loosened his tie from his collar allowing himself to breathe properly,he slammed his palm on the table pulling himself to stand up,feeling lightheaded. He took one last look at the girl in the middle before storming out of the room.His heart was going to explode and the skin on his face burned.

Everyone else in the room, including Terry seemed to be confused,they turned their head to exchange glances at each other. "Did I...say something wrong?",Ryan held her hands together nervously pinching herself.
Terry threw her an encouraging smile,"Well,Miss Rieles...",he broke the awkward silence,smiling brightly at the girl. ".....we have your email already so I'll have the warfare unit send you an email,okay?"he got up to hurriedly pack his things,looking down at the table the entire time he spoke before running after his friend.

The walk back home was depressing,long and tiring. Ryan kept beating herself up for talking in such manner. "Wowwww, Ryan Monique Rieles,you really did this one to yourself.... yeah",she grumbled to herself dragging her feet as she walked. She slapped her lip multiple times,"did you really have to talk? Couldn't you just answer a simple question....",she stopped abruptly in the middle of the street,stomping her legs and flailing her arms childish," job means no money which means I have to go back to Africa....!",she screamed to let out her frustration while continuously hitting her forehead with her knuckles.
She was already the shame of the family, returning home jobless and broke would make her a bigger shame.

     Ryan arrived home with a long anticipated bath on her mind. she took off her clothes, stripping till her underwears. she connected her phone to her Bluetooth speaker turned up the volume to the highest before going into the bathroom.
The warm water rushed down on her skin as she rapped along to her favourite 'Blase song', screaming loudly into her imaginary mic, "They wanna know when I quit this shit,keok jeong mal.... ugh?"

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