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Warning:Contains smut 🔞 do not creating any kinky shit in your head,I'm warning you!!!


'Where the fuck is she?...'
Texas glared at the empty chair pushed into the desk unaware of the girl's break. The entire office fell into a dead silence due to his rare presence.

Come to think of it,he hadn't seen her since she left his office yesterday and it was almost noon rnow and she still hasn't resumed for the day.
'Why am I even worrying? The girl can take care of herself,after all she had a boyfriend ',he scowled.

Terry was right he was jealous and couldn't get over the fact that the woman he wanted was with somebody else. He was bitter and salty.
He scooted over to the table closest to Ryan's table clearing his throat gently to call the woman's attention.

"Miss Jung,is there a reason why your colleague isn't here today?"

The woman turns around to the boss, adjusting her hair with flirty smile on her face and her voice sounding squeaky," she's on sick leave,Mrs Jeon granted it to her..",she twisted her dyed hair with her fingers, adding a small giggle that's was unnecessary considering the conversation.


The man rolled his eyes In irritation,his mind drifting back to Ryan. sick? Did I make her sick?'. He was worried. This was harder than he thought, getting rid of a feeling he groomed for 10 years seemed impossible. He had told himself countless times that he needed to let go of every feeling he had but he couldn't stop seeing her face in his mind. She wouldn't stop appearing.

Terry sat in his office with his legs crossed on his desk,still laughing over a joke he had heard two week ago.
His secretary seated on a couch rolled his eyes,"are you still laughing over the potato joke? Was it that funny to you?".

He almost fell off his chair trying to defend his potato joke,jumping to his feet and banging on the table,"of course it just have a terrible humor,that's all!"

The secretary let out a small laugh his head turning as he heard a knock on the door. He flew to his feet bowing to the Texas who was now entering the office. He looked to his boss , bowing from a far before exiting the office.

The man on the seat scoffed, crossing his legs back on the table with his usual sassy facial expression. "Hey!,are those sad eyes I see?".

Texas threw himself into the couch the secretary had just left facing his friend,"what do you think?",he sighed. As much as he hated to admit it,his friend was right,he was jealous and his jealousy was killing him. "I haven't seen her all feels like I'm dying".

The other furrowed his brow,disgusted at the man's childish whine."stop! If you're going to do that please get off my couch!",he shot at him,throwing him a ball of paper he squeezed. "You two literally work in the same department...go look at her face or something ,bro",despite his very strong asian features his English accent sounded very British thanks to the many vacation to the UK as a child.

Texas pouted his lip and stretched his legs on the couch , lying down face-up,"She's on sick leave",he placed his hand on his chest dramatically trying to annoy his friend more.

The smaller man walked to the small wine shelf in his office,scrolling through different bottles,it was becoming a thing to drink whenever they visited each other's office."Wow she really got sick because of're really something,Kim WooJin".
He turned to the other groaning loudly on the couch man, lifting two Champagne flutes in an offer,"wine?".

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