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      Texas parked his car right in front of her       apartment complex carrying her up the elevator and down to her door. Since he had memorized her address off her documents,finding her house was easy. The real struggle was to get the security code to her door so he could take her inside.
He had the girl seated on the floor by the door , gently trying to wake her."Ryan-ssi..". He grumbled for the fifth time in frustration hitting the door a little. Certain he couldn't get the code from her he lifted her up again in attempt to leave the place with the girl when the door creaked open. A shirtless guy almost as tall as him with his curly hair scattered all over his face staring back at him with sleepy eyes.

       "Babe...?!",his eyes flew open and free from sleep the moment he noticed the girl. He flung the door completely open hurriedly reaching to take the girl from the other man. He sniffed her face and clothes getting the smell of alcohol,"why did you drink so much?",he cupped her face with one hand trying to shake her awake. He looked over to the quiet man bowing his head in appreciation,"Are you a coworker? Thank you for bringing her...",he put his hands under her arms pulling her up by the armpits to wrap her legs around his waist as he carried her into the house.

    Texas stood frozen in front of the door unable to believe what he had seen or heard. A boyfriend? She had a boyfriend. The girl he waited for for 10years had a boyfriend. The whole night was a nightmare as he could neither eat or sleep.


He couldn't stop his brain from replaying that moment.

   The small black woman walked through the huge doors with heavy eyebags under her eyes, nervously walking to the table. Embarrassed at her behavior the previous night and thankful to her boss for taking her home.She held a cup of coffee from his favourite coffee place, clearing her throat,"Mr Kim... "Thank you f-"

      "Who did this report?",his eyes shot daggers at her,his English accent holding heavy emotions.

She leaned over the table to take a look at the piece of document, noticing the dark circle under his eyes"...ahh!",she scooted back a bit,bitting the inside of her lip,"....I d..did...".

          He scoffed relaxing more into his chair holding the report up,still speaking English,"....and what made you think this was good enough to be submitted to me?"
Anxiety gripped her making her knee shake. she leaned slowly in attempting to take the file from the man,"... I'll do it-"

      "Do it again!",he interrupted her rudely throwing the document to the floor. Without any form of remorse,he turned to the computer before raising his left hand to make a small gesture telling her to leave.
She bent to pick the book off the floor,hot tears pricking her eyeballs. She ran out of the office dumping the coffee cup and it's content into the dustbin.

      Ryan spent the entire day wondering what was wrong about the report she had submitted. She sat on her bed with a towel wrapped on her head and her legs folded up.

        "Bebe..are you hungry?",her boyfriend called up to her as he entered the room,the water from his hair dripping down to this cloth..."what's wrong with you? You look like.....",he sat on the bed beside her imitating her.

She unconsciously took the towel off her head with her hand going up to wipe the boy's hair."...why didn't you wipe your hair? Are you a kid?",she asked jokingly hitting his head although a smile was far from her face.

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