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          Ryan stood in front of the huge doors contemplating if she should knock then push the door open or knock and wait for a response. Mrs Jeon had told her to just walk in but she knew she could never never do that. Her manner would never let her and she could name a hundred reasons why it wasn't right to just walk in.
Her heart nearly jumped out of her mouth as the door shifted to reveal the man standing in between the small space,he had a frown on and his brows raised at the woman,
      "is there a problem, Miss Rieles?",he asked reaching for the file she was holding gently taking it from her. "....what's this about?",he brought it to his eye level reading the title written on the front page as he retired back into his office leaving the door open as an invitation.

She wiped the invincible sweat off her forehead, trying not to sound so nervous,"It's the contract sent from the account department concerning the deal with AQFoods, Mrs Jeon asked to get your signature on it...",she spoke as she walked calmly behind him with her heels clicking with the floor.

The sound of her heel were like music to his ears. He threw himself into a couch by the window,humming a tune going through the content.
"Miss Rieles.....could you get me the pen on my table?",his voice always sounded different whenever he switches languages. He pointed towards his table at the other end of the office causing the lady to turn her head to it .

She set for the table just after bowing to the man,her heels clicking louder than before. The man relaxed more into the couch with his eyes fixed on the female,amazed at how she could look beautiful when doing literally anything.

She was so beautiful,everything about her was beautiful. Her voice,her facial expression and the way she walked in that 6inch heel had him staring at her,' she should have been a model.....',he dusted the thought away as soon as it came, speedily stretching his arm to collect the pen from the approaching lady.
He played with the pen, twirling it with his fingers before sticking it under his jaw with his eyes on the paper in his hand,"Miss Rieles...?"

Her brows shot up waiting to get an another instruction from him,"Yes Mr Kim....".

Without lifting his vision from the piece of document,he moved his other hand pointing towards the door with the pen."You know the door is transparent, right?..."

She turned her head violently to the door,noticing that the lobby outside is actually very visible from the inside meaning he was able to see her when she was perambulating earlier. Her face flushed with embarrassment trying to explain herself.
"I was....I was a little nervous to.... knock on the door...",she stuttered slightly holding her palms over her face and cringing over the moment.

    Unable to hold back his laughter,he leaned his head back letting out a short hearty laugh,"It was quite funny to watch....",the embarrassment on her face was too cute to not laugh about. He signed the paper and handed it back to her spotting the red colour on her cheeks. "Miss Rieles..?"

     "Yes sir?"

"Is it alright if I call you Just Ryan?",he hadn't planned to ask that question,his mouth just created the words on its own. He looked up at her not sure what kind of response he'd be getting. He didn't want to seem too forward or scare her away with his early feelings.

To Ryan,this was the first such has happened, everyone who knew her here in Korea addressed her as Miss Rieles and it was almost as if she didn't have a first name. She threw a cheeky smile on her face, nodding her head,"yes sir,it's totally fine",she looked through the file in her hand ensuring he had signed the required places still grinning happily. She moved her attention back to him bowing for the last time," Thank you sir,I'll take my leave now".

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