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      A paid leave to recover but somehow she could only feel worse than she had felt the last time she was here. Ryan dragged her feet,barely looking up with her eyes sagging due to the heavy bags beneath it, a throbbing head from spending the night up and now,a sore throat. The ever bickering duo stood, one on each side, speaking loudly into her ears without holding on to the fact that this lady was not having any of it this morning.
     This was the fifth time she was rolling her eyes, praying they'd leave her alone because she didn't want to risk talking back and upsetting the seniors who meant no harm

   " That guy you left with....who is he? Your boyfriend?"

  "Is he really your boyfriend? What's his name? Yoo Chan said he was really good looking..."

   "Although minsoo doesn't agree,I think I'm as handsome as him though,what do you think Ryan?"

     "You wish you were.... Ryan, does he have a brother or a friend...?"


      "Stop....",she finally gave into her annoyance disturbed heavily by their awful questions. Turning to face them for the first time, fighting the urge to break down and cry,"please.....just stop".
Ryan had too much on her mind and they were just being an addition. With her voice so cracked that water couldn't fix,"I'll head to my desk first".

      Minsoo softened her face showing her subtle features of panic and concerns,"Ryan? Are you okay?"

     The woman didn't answer ,she just bowed ,showing her respect before walking off to her desk.

      The duo exchanged confused looks, genuinely worried for the girl. The blonde chan turned to his partner expressing his worries with words"do you think something bad happened to her? She really doesn't look good today..."

    "Hey yoo Chan"the girl called out throwing the boy 'are you stupid?' look "..of course something bad happened....can't you see her?"
     Minsoo's expression softened again," you think did it has something to do with the man she left with?"

    "Or Mr Kim....?"

    She turned her head to face the boy with her childish aura and sparkling eyes,"...yeahhhh that's right....Mr Kim... he's been making things really hard for her..."

    "I feel so bad for her....she probably hates working here so much",the boy took a quick glance at the man's office and the girl who had her head down on her desk with a small frown finding it's way to his face.

     "Our poor Ryan,Mr Kim is so mean,ugh!"


       Ryan could feel the burning sensation in her heart, a small flame tugging at her heart strings to release tears. She could only look at the beautiful human across the office as her anger mixed with sadness. She clenched her fist in attempt to hold on to the patience she was running out on.
  "....I did the report again sir, I hope it's to your liking now".

     Texas hadn't known her for a long time but he could tell from the sound of her voice that she wasn't okay,the bags under her eyes letting him in on the secret that she cried all night.... His heart tugged and eyes flashed with worries. He cleared his throat,his voice sounding intimidating as usual in the English accent"...I heard you took a sick you feel good now?".

      Her eyes rolled lazily ignoring his question,she gave a small bow hiding the disrespect all over her face"if there's nothing else.... I'll take my leave"

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