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       That was probably the worst thing she had ever done in her entire life. She already had a headache from breaking down and crying like a child in front of The Texas kim and letting him drive her home after work was just was insane.

     The ride in such expensive car was quiet and boring,just the little drops of rain drawing lines on the windows,much to her disappointment. Texas just stayed silent in the driver's seat with such a straight face making the girl wonder if he was being so uneasy because of her and what was going on his in head entirely.

     Usually he would have kept it cool,bit his lip and scrunched his brows  but he couldn't stop himself from asking,he turned briefly to face the lady in passenger seat sighting the exact features he had fallen in love with years back.

     "do you remember the first time we met?"

He couldn't stand the feeling he had in his chest or the thoughts in his head.He liked who he liked and he was going to deal with it. He pulled up in front of her apartment building just in time getting a glimpse of the frown growing on her face.

    "At the interview.... I made you ups-"


He could hear his heart hissing and sizzling like spicy stir-fry inside his chest gulping a huge ball of spit hoping to put out the fire. He watched her blink in surprise,turn to look at the little art the rain made before turning back to look at him.

   "You looked like you fell out of a comic book, unimaginably beautiful. June 6th 2012,Gwangmyeong-ro park. That was the first time we met,Ryan...",his voice sounded calm,way too calm for him, with his eyes holding the emotions behind that poker face.

   "What ....what are you talking about?",she let out a small chuckle trying to dust off the awkwardness. A grin grew on his face making her sick to her stomach turning her mood serious immediately,"what are you talking about?".

   His grin turned into a wide smile, adjusting his jacket out of habit,"I think we got off on the wrong foot Miss Ryan, I'm just a little strict with work . Your life may be hard but I didn't plan to make it harder..."
   Texas paused for a while observing the surprise in the girl's eyes replace the previous irritation,as well as the bags that were still quite visible under the girl's eyes."....and it looks like a serious situation,if you want to talk about it ..."

     Ryan stayed silent with her eyes widened as if she was seeing something he wasn't,before she blinked out of her thought, batting her eyelids nervously and although she hadn't heard anything her lips flew open to save her."ah..y- yes... Thank you sir"

      She finally was able to slip out of the car and into her building running up the flight of stairs to her house. She flew in without shutting the door, heading straight for a stack of old books she had  abandoned on a shelf.

     Her fingers flipped through old note books, scrunching her nose to avoid the dust escaping the pages,"Gwangmyeong-ro park......gwaang...gwangmyeo...."
She froze for a second catching a page in her old dairy 'Gwangmyeong-ro amusement park,June 6th 2012'

    "June 6th 2012,Gwangmyeong-ro park. That was the first time we met,Ryan...",

    "Holy shit...!",Ryan exclaimed, grabbing the book as she walked back to  lock the door, mostly to protect herself from the cold that was coming from outside. She through flipped the pages delicately reading the lines of the diary's Last entry....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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