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Warning:cantain 🔞 spice i not create kinky content in your head


      Thanks to the mess her face was in  getting the permission she needed was easy.
        Mrs Jeon had flew off her seat as the small black girl entered extremely shocked at the state she was in.

     "Are you alright? You don't look so good?",her voice was filled with concern as she approached the girl with a box of tissue in her hand.

      "I don't feel really well...",she lied.

     It wasn't a complete lie though. She want feeling well. The Boss had hurt her feeling and her head was hurting from crying too much.
     "I have a headache and I feel kinda dizzy...."

     The woman's eyes flashed with  concern,carried away by her motherly instinct,she lifted her hand to unconsciously wipe the little's face with the tissue. "..…do you need to go home?"

     Ryan,quick enough to hide her panic politely collected the tissue from her to do it herself,screaming internally at how it was so easy to get to the woman. She pouted her lips selling the final act,"Yes..."

     The secretary beamed a small smile walking back to her desk and her computer,taking a second to type something on her keyboard before turning back to Ryan." You'll get 2days off from your sick days, endeavor to treat yourself, Miss Rieles"


      Ryan excitedly left work taking the stairs down twelve floors because she didn't want to get unlucky and bump into Texas in the elevator. She finally got to the ground floor, exhausted and sweaty, pushing herself through the revolving doors as the bright sun greeted her eyes.

     She protected her eye with her hand, creating a small shade for her eyes and allowing her vision fall upon a man standing about 6ft tall glowing in the bright sun with his curly hair stylishly scattered across his face. He wore a simple black t-shirt that hugged his abs and biceps.

      Two bunny teeth appeared on his face as soon as he sighted the girl,grinning from ear to ear,his long legs carrying him fast enough to meet her. He threw his arms around her neck pulling her to himself to kiss the top of her head softly,"baby,did you cry a lot?".

      This man here knew just how to turn her into a baby. She wrapped her hands around his waist with her head resting on his chest taking in the smell of her boyfriend in which she loved so much. She nodded making cute mumbling sounds as she held tightly unto his waist.

      ,"...did you eat lunch yet?",he already knew the answer to that question but still asked anyways. He pulled out from the hug, patting the top of her head like a month old kitten which she shared similarities with. He took her hand placing a little kiss on her fingers before leading her towards his car.
    He opened the door on the passenger side,protecting her head with his hand as she entered before running over to his own side of the car.

        "Dong goo ya! Heyyy wait for me..."
Ryan cried out for the 5th time until they got inside the building and the warm house. Her stomach was grumbling loudly trying to digest the large burger and fries she had just eaten causing the man to laugh.

    Once inside,she threw her jacket on the couch watching her lover attend to the groceries he bought on their way here with keen eyes smiling uncontrollably. The house calmed Ryan , finally being able to forget the harsh words she heard all week. She loved being here cause it had the smell she loved so much;the smell of fruits and powder. The smell her lover shared with his house.

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