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Jungkook and taehyung took their position and they began the swordfight.
It was bliss to watch they are oneone movement was making the people present there feel wow because they were fighting like dancing it was amazing scene
Jiya's pov
fucking great, jimin you missed your chance.
( I don't know anything about swordfight so I am sorry that I couldn't explain but i will try to Improve in further parts)
Jungkook: are you sure you will give me my place if I won thos
Taehyung: I will
Jungkook: then be ready to loose
Taehyung's pov
I will loose willingly because whatever my queen wants she will get.
At last taehyung willingly loose and jungkook become so happy
Jungkook: now I think I will get what mine doesn't it
Taehyung:you will
Jungkook: I want whole Kingdom to know that their queen is back
Taehyung: they will
Jungkook: I wish you listened to me before
Taehyung: I also wish that I listened to you before
Jiya heard it facepalmed
Jiya's pov
This brother of mine , what he think doing this things he will get jungkook's love back, I am sorry brother but you really don't deserve her forgiveness
Jungkook: jiya come lets go
Jiya: you go I have to talk to king
Jungkook: ok
Jungkook left the training ground
Jiya: you people start your training
And you
Pulled him towards the place where no one were present
Jiya: what with this stunts hyung
Taehyung; what
Jiya: you should focus on your wife hyung, you and jungkook getting together is impossible , so I beg you please don't make her feel that there is a chance. Please stay away from her
Taehyung: jiya you know that I love
Jiya: I know that you love her but what's the use , if you can't express your love to her it's useless no
Taehyung: jiya why you are talking like this
Jiya: because I don't want her to get hurt again
Taehyung: but
Jiya: no buts hyung if you really want to be with her then break your realationship with mina,
Taehyung just stared at jiya who went from there,
Taehyung; no one wants me near you but I won't listen to them I will make you mine again ..

Somewhere in kingdom
??: Your majesty She is back
?: Really afer this year's she  is back
???: Your majesty again our messenger got killed by misteroius person
?: What Ali who has dare to kill our messenger
Ali: we don't know but we will find out it
?: found out who is that and also I need every information about the things happening in Taehyung's Kingdom

Ali: do you really think sultan will win against them
???: It's possible may be
Ali: they have strong army
???: We also
Ali: they have commander min Yoongi
???: We have you
Ali: they have their king Kim Taehyung
???: We have our King
Ali: they have Kim Jungkook
???: We
Ali: we have no one , don't you remember how because of her masterplan they won the war
???: This time we will win Ali
Ali: this will leads to the fall our kingdom and king
???: This will not
Ali: I can say it clearly that this war  is  going to ruin our kingdom.
Happy Birthday to the cutest bunny of the world.
Happy Birthday Jeon Jungkook

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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