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Han was staring at the moon while tears were flowing from his eyes
( I have forgotten the name so I changed the name I used earlier so forgive me if it confuses you)
?:why are you crying now
Han: do you know why I stare at this moon
?: I know because jungkook used to love to stare at it
Han: you are correct you know first it used to make me happy but now it's making feel pain
?: Why it's making you feel pain
Han: because Jungkook is not with me or may be Never will be
?:hey what happened
Han: she still loves him , I thought after finding her clurpit she will be back but she didn't , she still loves that Taehyung
?: Stop acting like this you know it from beginning that she loved him
Han: you should comfort me
?: I can't comfort you by lieng it was your own fault, just get her you lost your sense you even get together with Mina and now you are crying and wanting me to comfort you , Han you really need to understand one thing love happens it's cannot be forced
Han: stop making me feel guilty
?: Do whatever you want I am going to my parents
The said person left from there, Han groaned in frustration
Han: fuck this life I don't need jungkook 

In Kim Kingdom
Jungkook: so as I said tommarrow will be the day when we will execute our plan and I need you people not to let Mr.Rouhan and Ms.Mina
They all nodded their head
Jungkook's pov
Just few hours then my life's biggest enemy will be dead
Then I will see who is going to help you mina .
Jungkook: now you all can leave
They all left the room and jungkook sighed in annoyance and sat on the chair
Taehyung: it's ok jungkook everything will be fine
Jungkook: just see how tabels are turned first I used to comfort you but now you are comforting me
Taehyung: Jungkook we will win
Jungkook: we will I know that but I am not ready to loose someone
Taehyung: our plan will work no citizens will be hurt
Jungkook: mn
Taehyung: jungkook what's troubling you
Jungkook: nothing
Taehyung: Jungkook say it
Jungkook: there is someone , someone who wants to ruin us all
Taehyung: who is that jungkook
Jungkook: someone who is so close to us , the person knows everything about us every single thing
Taehyung: we will find who is that but now we should focus on the war
Jungkook: mn
Taehyung: stop worrying so much jungkook everything will be fine
Jungkook: you should go and prepare
Taehyung sighed and was going to go but stopped when Jungkook holds his hand, taehyung turned towards jungkook found his eyes teary he without waiting sat beside her
Taehyung: hey what happened love please
Jungkook: I am missing my dad and mom
Taehyung felt his heart break hearing the cracking voice
Jungkook:I am scared I am scared that I will loose someone close to me again
Taehyung: shh please calm down no one leave you you will loose no one
Jungkook was sobbing at this point
Taehyung: baby don't cry I am promising you love I will not let you loose anyone
Jungkook nodded head in yes.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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