|Shot 24| • Mistletoe • |Jyatt|

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"Alright guys, Truth-or-Dare time" Sophia grinned and rubbed her hands together.

Wyatt and I exchanged goofy glances as we smiled and rolled our eyes at her.

Sophia was throwing a Christmas party for us Losers, and of course, she had to throw in Truth-or-Dare.

We gathered in a circle, Finn and Jack on one side of Sophia, Wyatt and I on the other, and Jeremy and Chosen on the other end of the circle.

"I'll go first" Sophia grinned.

She thought a moment.

"Hmm...FINN!" she pointed excitedly, catching Finn off guard.

"W-What?" he stuttered.

"I dare you...to kiss Jack under the mistletoe" she smiled slyly.

Finn and Jack's eyes went wide, and he whispered something to Jack before they stood up slowly and went to the mistletoe under the doorway.

We watched excitedly as they stood under the mistletoe nervously. Finn was a shaking mess while Jack looked away shyly. Finn slowly brought Jack's face to his and cupped his cheeks.

He planted a kiss on Jack's lips, and Jack snaked his arms around Finn's neck as Finn wrapped his arms around Jack's waist, deepening the kiss.

"WOOOO" Jeremy and Sophia teased and Chosen wolf-whistled.

They pulled apart quickly and Finn rubbed the back of his neck while Jack blushed, both of them staring at each other and chuckling nervously before resuming their places on the floor.

Jack laid his head in Finn's lap, both of their cheeks bright crimson as Finn smiled and played with Jack's hair.

I could feel Wyatt's eyes on me. But when I turned to face him, he looked away. He's been doing that a lot lately, that and finding any excuse to touch me or be around me.

He turned his head back to me slowly and I smiled at him, receiving a smile in return as he brushed the golden curls from his caramel eyes.

"Who wants to go next?" Sophia smiled.

"I'll go, I guess" Jeremy volunteered.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Umm, Truth" he shrugged.

"Marvel or DC?" she queried.


"Boooo" we threw popcorn at him.

"C'mon, guys, I have my lane, you have yours"

We all laughed as he held his hands up defensively.

"Having fun?" Wyatt leaned and whispered in my ear, causing heat to flood my crimson cheeks.

"Uh, um, y-yeah" I smiled and laughed nervously.

"Me t-"

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