|Shot 2| • Realization •

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I watched as Bill slowly walked up the sidewalk, tears staining his eyes. Bill only lives a few houses away from mine, so I invited him to sit on my porch with me.

"Hey, Bill!" I called.

He looked up and gave a small smile while trudging over to my porch.

"Hey, Stan" he said mournfully. "What's up?"

He looked happy to see me, but I could tell something was wrong. I sat on the porch steps and he sat down next to me.

"I can tell something is bothering you" I said gently as I turned to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"B-B-Bev-Beverly is gone" he said sniffling.

I eyed at him quizzically.

"Where is she?" I questioned.

"She's g-going to b-b-be with her aunt f-for awhile since...you know, her d-d-dad"

"Oh...right" I nodded. "I'm sorry, Bill"

I knew that Bill was in love with Beverly, and I felt sorry for him, despite the fact that Beverly wasn't the only one in love with Bill. He sighed and stared at his feet.

"But, hey," I said softly, "she won't be gone forever, we'll all see her again someday"

I gave him a warm smile and he chuckled.

"You're right" he said smiling at me. "We'll see her again"

"Besides," I admitted, "she's not the only one that was in love with you"

Bill's eyes went wide and he turned to me in shock.

"R-Really? Who e-else likes me?"

I thought about a response and scooted closer to him...he didn't move. His eyes just searched mine and he smiled.

"There's someone madly in love with you, Bill Denbrough" I whispered in his ear.


"There's someone madly in love with you, Bill Denbrough" Stan whispered in my ear, seductively.

I've been in love with Stan for a long time, but I always figured he didn't feel the same. A chill ran up my spine and I shuddered.

"H-H-Who?" I asked, stuttering again.

He said nothing, instead he leaned in close, making the gap between us even smaller. I moved closer to him and closed the gap, connecting our lips.

Kissing Bev felt good, but feeling my lips on Stan's warm, soft ones felt incredible, the sparks and the warmth emanating from our bodies making me want more. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. He wrapped his arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. God it felt so good to have Stan Uris in my arms, his lips moving passionately on mine. Feeling his arms wrap around my neck, his lips on mine, seeing him smile at me...God it felt so good.


I couldn't believe that I was finally in Bill's arms, kissing him and feeling him kiss back passionately...it was a dream come true.

"I love you, Bill" I mumbled against his lips.

He pulled away slightly.

"I love you, Stan" he smiled.

He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed kisses on his cheek. We looked at each other and laughed until we couldn't breathe, falling deeper in love every second.

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