|Shot 1| • Healing Hands •

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"Hey, Stan! Check out my new board!" Bill said smiling as he walked up to me with a brand new skateboard in his hands.

He had just bought a new board since his old one was thrashed and we decided to go test it out at the skate park. It was a cool Thursday so we would basically have the park to ourselves.

"It's awesome, Bill. Ready to go try it out?" I asked smirking.

He smiled wide.

"Yeah, let's go!"

We walked together to the park, and Bill started riding around, pulling off a few tricks. I watched him in admiration and awe, infatuated with the view. His blue eyes, his handsome face, his gorgeous hair, his body and how he moved, how he looked in the sun, his sexy, calm and smooth, soothing voice...and his smile, God his smile. My heart melts whenever I see it, especially when he smiles at me. The way he says my name...

"Hey, Stanny!" I heard him yell, pulling me out of my trance.

I watched as he ran over to me, his jacket exposing his strong chest through his shirt, sweat dripping from his forehead. Jesus, he's gorgeous.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" I questioned.

"This board is awesome!" he exclaimed, his smile wide and his eyes bright. "Wanna try a few tricks?"

I don't skateboard much, not at all really but I was so lost in his eyes, sparkling as they searched mine for an answer, that I let my heart speak before my wits.

"Sh-Sure, I'll give it a few spins"

I gave him a smile and he rubbed my shoulder. He gave me a goofy grin before taking a seat.

I ran over to one of the ramps and set the board into position. I looked over at Bill, who was watching contently and gave me a smile and a wave. I waved back and returned the smile and proceeded to try a few tricks.

I pulled off an ollie, a couple kick-flips and some drops off the ramps. I ran up to one of the railings and attempted a grind...

I failed. I slipped and fell off the board, rolling down the steps (only like 5 steps but it still hurt) and scraping my arms and hands and knees.

"Shit, STANNY!" I heard Bill holler.

I watched him run towards me. His footsteps pounded the pavement.

I couldn't move. I felt hands rolling me over and suddenly I was laying in Bill's lap.

"Stan? Stan, you okay?" he asked, panicking.

"Yeah" I grumbled softly. "I can hear you"

"What hurts, Stanny? Are you okay?"

My arm felt numb, but nothing seemed broken, my hands and arms and knees just stung from the cuts and scrapes. I chuckled softly as I gazed into Bill's beautiful eyes.

"I'm okay," I assured him, "my hands, arms and knees just sting really bad"

He let out a sigh of relief and we both sat and laughed. I sat up in his lap and he gently touched my knees, then placed gentle kisses on them.

"Sssss!" I drew my breath in at the stinging sensation that washed over me from the moistness in Bill's mouth making contact with my wounded, exposed skin.

Bill noticed this and looked up apologetically, guilt clouding his ocean eyes.

"Does it sting?" he asked softly.

"No, you made it feel better" I said smiling, the stinging fading away instantly after Bill's lips brushed the cuts.

He proceeded to place kisses on the cuts and scrapes on my arms.

"And that?"

I smiled and shook my head. He then placed tender kisses on my hands.

"And how about that?"

"Much better!" I said, my heart beating out of my chest.

He grinned.

"I think I missed a spot, though" he said, his eyebrows furrowed but a sly smile dancing on his lips.

I eyed him quizzically but with a smirk.

"Where?" I asked.

"Here" he says, and connects our lips.

The kiss was warm and gentle, and I had completely forgotten about the board, the park, my "wounds", and everything else...everything except Bill, and how sweet and soft his lips were, and how gentle this kiss was.

"So what did you think of the board?" he queried after pulling away slowly with a big smile.

"Piece of cake"

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