|Shot 94| • Sentimental •

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Beep beep beep beep

I glanced down at my watch.


"Shit" I cursed under my breath.

Late already. I was supposed to be at Bill's house by now, and I still had another block to go. I adjusted my backpack and sprinted the rest of the way.

By the time I arrived, I was a sweating, panting mess.

I closed my eyes and exhaled as I climbed the porch steps to Bill's door. I was a little nervous, so I knocked hesitantly.

It hasn't been just me and Bill for awhile. Don't get me wrong, we love the other Losers very much, but, I wanted alone time with Bill for once.

I knocked lightly again, but I didn't get an answer. He doesn't care if I just walk in, so I did. We had to get to work anyway, he shouldn't be sleeping like I figured he was.

I let myself in and went straight to Bill's room. I pulled out my homework and went through it with one hand while twisting the knob on Bill's bedroom door with the other.

"Hey, Bill, let's get star-"

But when I lifted my eyes, I nearly had a heart attack right there.

A girl was on top of Bill and their mouths were practically swallowing each other. I felt like I was going die right there.

I stood there with my hand over my mouth and tears brimming my eyes, filled with embarrassment and hurt.

Bill noticed me immediately and practically threw the girl off of him. I started to turn away for the door when he shouted for me to stop.

"Stuh-Stop! Don't...d-don't leave!" he pleaded.

I stopped in my tracks and he scowled as he turned to the girl and shouted at her to leave. She flinched a little but scurried out the door past me, bumping me against the door forcefully as she left.

"Asshole" she muttered, and Bill growled.

"Don't fuh-fuhcking touch him!" he shouted after her, and she slammed his front door in response.

He sighed and ran a hand through his thick, messy reddish-brown hair.

"I'm suh-sorry about th-that, Stan"

I lost it.

"What the fuck was that, Bill!?"

He was taken aback and raised his hands in defense.

"Stan, wha-what's wrong?"

"I came here to study with you and you're sucking face with some fucking girl? I mean at least Beverly I'd understand, but-"

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