|Shot 3| • Thunder •

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I was sitting alone in my room playing video games when my room shook with great force. Loud thuds pattered against my window, making me jump.

Great, thunder and pouring rain. Rain never bothered me, but I hated loud noises. It made me feel uncomfortable and insecure. I heard louder thuds but figured it was more rain, maybe even hail and I slunk myself into a corner, hugging my knees and recoiling like a child.

A few moments later, I heard knocks on my window. I looked over to see a dark figure kneeling at my window.

"Stan!" a familiar voice called.

It came from the dark, rain soaked figure. I looked closer and saw blue eyes, and gorgeous short dark hair, matted down from the rain.


My heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing my best friend, and crush, at my window at night in the pouring rain. I scooted over to the window and hurriedly opened it. A big smile danced on his beautiful lips as he noticed me. I gave him a warm smile in return.

"Hey, St-Stanny" he said in a low voice, still smiling.

I stared at his lips for a moment then into his eyes. I couldn't help but smile as I greeted him.

"Hey, Bill" I said breathlessly. "What're you doing here? You're soaking wet!"

I pulled him in and ran to get a towel and a dry flannel. I came back to see him sitting on the windowsill, running his hands through his dripping wet hair.

Oh my God he's gorgeous I thought, taking a moment to enjoy the view as my heart beat out of my chest.

He lifted his head and looked over at me with a big grin on his face.

"Thanks, Stan" he said reaching.

"Oh, y-yeah, you're welcome" I blushed, Bill pulling me back down to Earth.

"Sooo..." I said awkwardly. "Is everything okay?" I asked him, watching contently as he dried his hair and changed his shirt.

I couldn't help but stare, and he didn't seem to mind.

"Yeah" he smiled. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You hate thunderstorms"

I felt my heart flutter at the thought of that. He walked all the way here...in the pouring rain...for me...because he remembered I hate loud noises...

Take me now, Bill.

"Y-Yeah, I do" I stuttered. "Y-You remember that?"

He looked a little offended.

"Of c-course I do, Stan"

"S-Sorry, Bill. Thank you, for coming, I didn't think anyone remembered th-"


I jumped and covered my ears and closed my eyes and turned away from him. He walked over to me, concern filling his beautiful eyes, and he turned me around, pulling me into his arms. He was a couple inches taller than me so I was able to rest my head in the crook of his neck as he held me. I loved listening to his heartbeat and feeling the warmth emanating from his body, comforting me from the harsh sounds taunting me from outside.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me tighter, resting his head on top of mine.

"Shhh...it's okay, Stan, I'm r-right here. You're safe, I'm not g-going anywhere" he cooed, his soothing voice and steady breaths calming me almost instantly.

I smiled into his neck and closed my eyes, listening contently to his heartbeat. I never wanted to leave his arms.

He sat on the floor and pulled me with. He leaned against the bed, sitting behind me while I leaned against him, sitting between his legs, his arms wrapped around me securely and our fingers intertwined.

Eventually the storm stopped and he whispered in my ear.

"It's okay, Stan. The storm is over"

I turned my head to meet his gaze, his ocean eyes looking into mine.

"I feel better, now. Thank you so much for coming to check on me" I grinned.

"Yeah...about that" he said while scratching his head. "I didn't come over just for that"

He blushed, and I furrowed my eyebrows at him curiously.

"What is it?" I questioned gently.

His cheeks flushing crimson red, he whispered the words I'd been dreaming of hearing.

"I...I came to tell you that...I-I'm in love with you, Stan"

I stared at him in disbelief.

"If-If you don't feel the same, th-that's okay, I-"

But I didn't let him finish. I crashed my lips onto his, kissing him softly. He was warm, his lips soft and moving sweetly against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as he placed his hands on my waist.

"I love you, Stan" he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too, Bill" I said, our lips less than an inch apart.

We both laughed and reattached our lips, not wanting to separate.

"You're definitely sleeping over" I told him.

"I was going to anyway" he replied smirking, making my heart melt. "Wanna play video games?" he queried with a grin.

I nodded and smiled wide and sat in his lap, the two of us playing video games together as the night carried on, the thunder gone and the slight rain pattering the windows as we held each other and fell deeply in love.

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