|Shot 48| • Hours •

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Serious Chapter
Inappropriate comments will be deleted and I will block you ~Jae👑

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It's funny how you can plan something so perfectly, yet it can still turn to complete shit, because of one person.

But I guess that's just how my luck has always been.

Absolute shit.

~1 month earlier~

"C'mon, Stanny!" I dragged Stan by his hand.

"Slow down, Bill!" he giggled behind me.

I chuckled as we ran to our favourite ice cream stand. We probably looked like little kids, they way we were laughing and carrying on, but that's just how we were.

Kids in teenagers' bodies.

And today was no exception. Our favorite ice cream stand was having a limited time offer on a new flavour: strawberry banana split with raspberry swirl.

I wanted to make sure we got there before the vendor sold out so I ran with Stan to get in line. As Stan panted, I bought two ice cream cones and helped Stan walk.

"Mmm, this is delicious, Bill!" he moaned.

"T-Told you, Stan" I chortled. "W-W-Was it worth losing your b-b-breath?"

"No" he scoffed. "But worth the running"

"Juh-Just messing w-with you, Stanny"

I ruffled his soft golden-brown curls and took another lick on my ice cream.

"Quit it, Bill!" he giggled, and with his protests I accidentally spilled melted ice cream all over us.

"Aw, you got ice cream all over me!" he whined.

"Suh-Suh-Sorry, Stan. I'll g-go get napkins"

I stepped away for two seconds. To grab napkins. And I come back to find Bowers holding a knife to Stan's throat in the alleyway.

I immediately dropped my ice cream and the napkins and clenched my hands into fists. I tauted my jaw and back.

"Get the fuck away from him!" I yelled and started towards them, but Bowers grabbed Stan in a chokehold and held the knife to his throat.

"Ah ah ah! Don't fucking move, faggot, or I'll slice his neck open right here" he threatened.

I halted my actions and glanced at Stan who stared at me desperately. My expression immediately softened when I looked into my terrified baby's eyes.

His gentle, golden-brown eyes were filled with tears as he struggled against Henry's grasp. His eyes pleaded with me to save him. And that's what I intended to do.

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