The Kaiba method

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Shima had escaped and our heroes didn't know how to locate him, his energy was too average for Vegeta to identify it. Yugi was worried about what shima might do being free, he couldn't allow him to keep attacking people, plus he was intrigued by the millennium item he seemed to possess.

Vegeta- At least that ridiculous game has ended, now i'm taking the kids with me. 

Suddenly, a man in an orange suit appeared out of nowhere near Vegeta.

Goku- Hey Vegeta, what was that? i sense your god ki and then i sense another even stronger, but that one suddenly desapear.

They both turned to see who it was. Vegeta, recognizing him, just rolled his eyes.

Vegeta- That doesn't concern you Kakarot... ¿¡Wait, did you say that card was stronger than me!?- Said Vegeta angrily, he had enough with being surpassed by goku, and now he was surpassed by a piece of cardboard for children?

Goku- What? card...? what's going on??? 

Yugi- Let me explain...-He said as the golden pyramid that he wears as a necklace lit up, revealing a smaller and less imposing yugi.

Goku- Wait, who are you?

Yugi- My name is Yugi Mutou. That ki, or energy, that you sense came from a powerful card a mysterious guy was using against us.

Goku- Card? Wait, what you mean "using against you"?- Goku, as usual, was very lost.

Yugi- Vegeta and i where facing another opponent in a duel, a game where you battle using cards.

Goku- A battle using cards? that's a pretty weird way to fight honestly.

Vegeta- It is, but the point is that our opponent was using a strange card that had an immense amount of power, i dare to say that it was divine ki.

Goku- An immense power?! where i can find that guy? i wanna fight him too!  

Yugi- That's the bad part, when we defeated him, he just escape.

Goku- Oh man, when you mentioned the "immense amount of power" thing i get really excited- Goku then notices that Vegeta was carrying Goten and Trunks- Hey what happened to Goten? Chichi was really worried about him.

Vegeta- I found them passed out on the floor, the guy we duel apparently did this to them.

Yugi- He must have beat em in a duel, if he used that card we saw it doesn't surprise me that they ended up like this.

Vegeta- Well, now it's over- Said Vegeta while he gave Goten to Goku- We're going home.

Yugi- Wait! you have to help me find Shima, if i understood correctly you two can sense people's energy, that would help me a lot to find him.

Vegeta- Listen kid, this has stopped being my problem, if you want to find him, you'll have to do it alone.

Yugi knew it was true, he couldn't force them to help him, he would have to find Shima on his own. Goku and Vegeta flew out of the place, while Yugi was thinking of a plan, and it occurred to him to turn to the only person he knew that he could find anyone in Domino City.

Kaiba- No.

Yugi- C'mon Kaiba.

Kaiba- NO.

Yugi- But... i need you!.

Kaiba- Yugi no, it's six in the morning, if you want someone to play batman with you, you got the wrong guy.

Yugi was starting to get frustrated, Kaiba could be very stubborn, but he came up with something that could convince him.

Yugi- Well, i just tough you would be interest in someone with a card more powerful than your Blue-Eyes...

Kaiba- WHAT THE-! That's impossible! and I'll prove it to you by finding that bastard and beat him in a duel!!

And so, Kaiba turned on his supercomputer and began searching the entire database of Domino City and its inhabitants to find the man with the characteristics that Yugi said, but it did not give results.

Kaiba- I couldn't find any trace of him...

Yugi- You know, maybe you should give up, you need to rest- he said while yawning from exhaustion.

Kaiba- NO! Seto Kaiba never gives up! tell you what, tomorrow i have a business meeting with a company from west city, i will make them find this guy.

The tomorrow came after several hours and Kaiba was already on his way to his business meeting. He had everything ready, He was going to blackmail the owner of the company by cutting off their funds and making them go bankrupt if they didn't find who he wanted.

The owner of the company and he sat at a table accompanied by their agents and lawyers and ready to discuss. She was a blue-haired woman who appeared to be in her early twenties, even though records said she had run the company for much longer than that.

when they finished discussing the important matters, kaiba was ready to ask for the favor.

Kaiba/Bulma- Can i ask you a favor before we... ¿what?

Kaiba- I wanted to ask you to find a specific person, due to the fact that i couldn't.

Bulma- I was gonna ask for the same, i was searching for this guy all night.

Outside the office were the two companions of the owners who had brought because apparently the matter was of their concern. it was Vegeta and Yugi, they were waiting outside the office and listening to the conversation.

Yugi- So... she made you search the guy all night?

Vegeta- Yeah... she was scared because "that guy is dangerous and could destroy the earth",pfff... what a drama queen.

Yugi- I still think that it's important to look for Shima, you saw the power he has, we have to take him down as soon as possible.

Vegeta- We? i already told you, it's not my problem

Yugi- He took your son hostage!

Vegeta- And we rescue him, that's when i stopped caring.

Yugi- Argh... at least tell me what happened to those kids, did they tell you what Shima did to them?

Vegeta- Well, Trunks mentioned that they where in a duel with him, and then they lost and shima did something with his weird ass golden hand, and that's it.  

Yugi- I saw his hand, it had the eye of Anubis on it, that means it was a millennium item.

Suddenly Kaiba and Bulma left the room and headed towards both of them.

Bulma- Well, there is no case, we did everything we could and we still didn't find that Shima guy.

Yugi- We have to find him, there is something deeper going on with this, Vegeta, are you sure you can't sense his energy?

Vegeta- I told you that it's not that simple, that guy maybe has that powerful card, but his energy is average for a human, it's impossible to identify it among all citizens, unless that fool plays that card, i can' fi..- Vegeta's words were cut off when he felt a powerful divine ki appear out of nowhere, it had to be him.

Bulma- It's something wrong?

Vegeta- Argh... i found him.  

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