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On Tony's private airplane. Cheryl and Pepper were in the white individual couches, watching the little TV.

"It's just unbelievable. It proves that the genie is out of the bottle and this man has no idea what he's doing. He thinks of the Iron Man weapon as a toy. Brainwashing the mind of a little girl. I was at a hearing where Mr. Stark and Ms. Stark, in fact, were adamant that these suits can't exist anywhere else, don't exist anywhere else, never will exist anywhere else, at least for five to ten years, and here we are in Monaco realizing, "These suits exist now." Stern was in the news.

"Mute." Tony was carrying two plates. "He should be giving me a medal. That's the truth."

"What is that?" Peppers asked when Tony placed the two plates in front of them.

"This are your in-flight meal."

"Did you just make that?" Cheryl couldn't believe it.

"Yeah. Where do you think I've been for three hours?"

"Tony, what are you not telling me?"

Tony look at Cheryl, she looked back. They both know about him dying, Cheryl wouldn't say anything if he didn't want it, it was his decision, not hers. He just said something else. "I don't want to go home. At all. Let's cancel my birthday party and... We're in Europe. Let's go to Venice, Cipriani. Remember?"

"Oh, yes."

"It's a great place to be healthy." He turned to the girl. "Have you been in Italy?"


"Great, more reason to go."

"I don't think this is the right time. We're in kind of a mess."

"Yeah, but maybe that's why it's the best time. 'Cause then we can..."

"Well, I think as the CEO I need to show up."

"As CEO, you are entitled to a leave."

"A leave?"

"A company retreat."

"A retreat? During a time like this?" Pepper asked confused.

"Just a ride. Well, I'm just saying, to recharge our batteries and figure it all out."

"Not everybody runs on batteries Tony."

"Well." Tony straightened out. "I didn't spend three hours cooking that only to have it rejected."

Cheryl laughed and took a bite. "Oh wow, this is horrible."

All three laughed.


Cheryl and Tony were sitting in a car in his workshop looking at holograms, he had his right arm around the girls' shoulders and she was hugging him by the torso.

"Query complete sir. Anton Vanko was a Soviet physicist who defected to the United States in 1963.However, he was accused of espionage and was deported in 1967. His son, Ivan, who is also a physicist, was convicted of selling Soviet-era weapons grade plutonium to Pakistan, and served 15 years in Kopeisk prison. No further records exist." Jarvis inform them.

Rhodey enters.

"Tony, you gotta get upstairs and get on top of this situation right now. Listen. I've been on the phone with the National Guard all day, trying to talk them out of rolling tanks up the PCH, knocking down your front door and taking these. They're gonna take your suits, Tony, okay?" He points at them angrily. "They're sick of the games. You said nobody else would possess this technology for 20 years. Well, guess what? Somebody else had it yesterday. It's not theoretical anymore. I even heard that Child Services wants to talk to you and Cherry." He approaches them. "Are you listening to me? Are you okay?"

Iron man and Psylocke IIWhere stories live. Discover now