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"Jarvis, could you kindly Vac-U-Form a digital wire frame? I need a manipulatable projection." Tony was playing with his hands, taping his fist to his palms and snapping his fingers. Cheryl was doing the same, but only playing with the silver rings on her fingers.

"1974 Stark Expo model scan complete, sir."

Tony lift the blue projection away from the model. "How many buildings are there?"

"Am I to include the Belgium waffle stands?" Jarvis jokes. Cheryl laughs next to Tony.

"That was rhetorical. Just show me." Tony clicks his fingers and the model begins to spin and lifts upright. "What does that look like to you Cherry?"

"Not unlike an atom. In which case the nucleus would be here." She says.

"Highlight the unisphere. Lose the footpaths. Get rid of them."

"What is it you're trying to achieve, sir?" Jarvis asks.

"We're discovering... Correction. We're rediscovering a new element, I believe. Lose the landscaping, the shrubbery, the trees." Tony flicks things away.

"Parking lots, exits, entrances. Structure the protons and the neutrons using the pavilions as a framework." Cheryl says concentrating.

"Dad." Tony murmurs. The model now resembles a nucleus and Tony expands it. Cheryl, who was standing next to him, looked around with a gleam of wonder in her eyes.

This is unbelievable.

"Dead for almost 20 years, and still taking me to school." Tony snaps down so the model fits in his hand.

He passes it to Cheryl. "We've done it." He says as he hugs her. She just smiles and look at the model in her fingers.

"The proposed element should serve as a viable replacement for palladium."

"Thank Dad."

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to synthesise."

"Get ready for a major remodel, fellas. We're back in hardware mode."


Tony was smashing a walls with sledge hammers, when he came back to see Cheryl who was sitting there watching him.

"Come on Cherry, give it a try."

"I can't, the hammer is too heavy." She still got up next to him.

"I'm not talking about the hammer; I'm talking about your powers."

She looked at the wall uncertainly, she was about to shake her head when Tony interrupted her.

"That's what Fury said, not just fixing the reactor problem, but also controlling your powers. Have you tried to use them at a specific point?"

"No." She confessed. "I can't, most of the time it's involuntary. Just that one time when I protected Pepper and Happy in the car, I just expanded the shield until it was big enough." She looked a little sadly at Tony.

"Hey." He dropped the hammer, bent down to her height and grabbed her shoulders. "I know you can do it, just hit the target." He pointed to the mark painted on the wall.

She sighed but nodded. Tony stepped aside and she closed her eyes.

She put her hands together in a small circle in front of her and concentrated the energy between her palms. She felt it expand and gain more magenta light. As it grew, she had to pull her hands further and further apart and with all her strength she threw her sphere against the wall. The sphere punched a hole in the concrete wall and then vanished into thin air.

Iron man and Psylocke IIWhere stories live. Discover now