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Stark Expo.

People saw two flashes in the air approaching the stage, one gold and the other magenta. When they got close enough, the audience saw Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit; and Cheryl Stark, who was simply wearing a purple leather trench coat with fingerless gloves.

They both landed on stage and the crowd cheered behind them, thinking it was all a part of the show.

"Look at her! She can fly!" Cheryl heard several screams like that, but she didn't turn around, there were more important things.

"We got trouble." Tony said.

"Tony, there are civilians present. I'm here on orders. Let's not do this right now." Rhodey tried to stop him.

"Give them a wave."

"Hey, all right. Yeah." Hammer did it.

"All these people are in danger. We gotta get them out of here. You gotta trust me for the next five minutes." They wave to the audience.

Cheryl turn around and smiled at them, trying to act normal.

"Yeah, I tried that. I got tossed around your house, remember?" Rhodey argue.

"Listen, I think he's working with Vanko."

"Vanko's alive?"

"Yeah." Tony says.

"What is he?" Cheryl ask Hammer.

"What?" He turns around at her.

"Where's Vanko?"


"Tell me."

"What are you doing here man?" Hammer ask this time to Tony.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Rhodey suddenly claims.

"Is that you?" Tony ask as he sees a large gun takes aim at him.

"No, I'm not doing that. That's not me. I can't move. I'm stranded up. I'm stranded up!" The drones take aim. "Get out of here. Go! This whole system's been compromised."

"Let's take it outside. Protect everyone you can, Cherry." Tony takes off.

Drones and Rhodey take off.

The roof of the dome broke and fell, it was going to hurt the people, who were busy trying to run away.

Okay, it's my turn.

Cheryl quickly moved to the front of the stage, raised her hands and with all her concentration, launched an energy field right above the people. It was the biggest one she had ever made. The metal and glass shattered on contact.

The drones began to walk around and chase Tony. Cheryl was about to draw her sword when she felt someone grab her arm.

"Cherry, come on! We have to get out of here!" Pepper was pulling her.

"No! I need to help Tony!"

"No! You can't! You have to be safe! I can't lose you!"

Cheryl stopped insisting when she saw Pepper's worried face and with Natasha, they went backstage.


"Who's stranded you out of the mainframe?" Pepper shouts. There were Hammer and his technicians.

"Please, please, go away. Go away. I've got this handled." Hammer tried to argue.

"Have you now?"

"Yes, I do. In fact, if your guy hadn't showed up, this wouldn't be happening. So, please, now go away. Thank you." He turns to his technician. "Listen, we got to get these bitches out of here."

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