Preparations of the URM

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Unified Republic of Mars

formed after the successful colonization of Mars and the fall of earth with renments of the survivors of the war fleeing to mars and establish a government, though humanity survived the holocaust that befalled on earth.

Mars had its own challenges with sandstorms that could disrupt oxygen filters and disable long range sensor along with communication. meteors that can crush iron dome cities like rock against glass and destroy key facilities that like oxygen machines, water refineries other refineries essential to maintaining the society

unlike earth whose resources were abumdant in exotic regions, mars was full of desert and ice scapes. Rare earth metals dominated Mars but resources like polymer, machine parts and electronic had to be syntheticly produced in factories

temperatures can vary between regions from burning heat like the sahare to freezing cold like arctics. killing anyone caught beyond the temperatures.


Galle Crator, Mars

the harrowing standstorms continued to ravage this red world endlessly along with the biting cold, reminding the inhabitants the world they live on

However things were as hecktic below as the surface, in the underground hangers. swarms of engineers work tirelessly as the schedule of today was one that could not be taken lightly

maintenance crew move supplys and equipment into the spacecrafts, respectively seperating them from munitions and fuel

Mars was many things leaning towards the worst, but the abundance of iron, fuel and rare earth metals was beyond undeniable.

especially precious Rare Earth Metals, used to furthur humanities electronics, vehicle development in all aspects and break through technological advancement in every branch anyone could name in science

"Forward March..."

the thumping marching and bellows of offcers as the company leaders their troops into halts this brought the scene of a fascist army in their highly discipline air, deathly dark alien armor and sleek laser rifles with bayonets

"Halt and wait for Company Leader..."

although guns were still popular in this day and age, the vaccum of space would render the bullet useless. so the URM R&D focused its development into laser weaponry which proved useful in taking down satellites and drones.

though many factors on earth and within Humanity made advancement into thess fields slow and obselite, but URMs High Reserve Abundance in Iron and Rare Earth Metals

which fed into technological advances and Humanities circumstancea made these years along with other variables short and constructed a compact laser rifle called...

the Assualt Laser Rifle-41 (LR-41)

since the introduction of the LR-41, the Unified Republic of Mars Space Force (URMSF) have replaced all guns and with further deliberation with the MAC (Mars Army Command) it was decided that guns should be made obselite

URMSF was the largest organization within Mars Armed Forces and they made most of military reforms since their expertise is with space rendering most branches obselite

"Attention... Halt!!!!" the marching of the entire comapny halted at that command as a familiar face appeared over the crate

"Captain Dox will give his speach..." bellowed Dox's second in command and the previeous right hand man of the shit captain of G Comapny

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