North Sinai: Battle of El-Arish

544 18 9

Bell Mountain Base, Earth

A few days later...

In a dark seculded room, where the only source of light was the light bulb slinging over a silver table.

Private Marit of the 22nd Mechinzed Brigade squinted at the brightness, hazily waking up

Where am I??

He felt the blood circulation strain, He feels the tightness around his wrist, while franticly looking around

"I'll be damned..." says a voice, scaring Marit for a moment "...Those eyes... they really do look beautiful..."

Then golden eye slits open up glowing in the dark, frightening him for a moment. Before the large figure leans in revealing a shark anthro

 Before the large figure leans in revealing a shark anthro

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"...Marit... Osteil..." Taria reads his dog tag, tossing it aside as she leans back and stares at Marit who doesn't says a word

"so, Marit... whats your mission??"

"I Jah torck tor hairy Furnites" Marit spits with venom using Martian language

During the 'Great Struggle' on mars, a certain URM mining operation discovered ruins, archeologistimmedietaly excavated the area to be a lost civilisation on mars

Surprisingly the archeologist were able to dechiper the glyphic texts as they resembled french and learn the language tone which did not resemble french

under the administration back then, they opted for the martian language to be distributed planet wide and make it the main language. And made teaching the many languages of earth as secondary, as to avoid communication error

The Shark sighs dejectedly "Language Barrier..."

"Funny that your name is written in english on one side... and the opposite side with Bitch-Shit gibberish..." she chuckles twirling his dog tag in her tallons

She glares at Marit with a toothy smirk "Its as if you were begging to be captured..."

Marit Continued to glare at her hard

"We'll just have to play this the hard way then..." She roughly grabs Marits head and slammed it down on the table with an audiable crack "Done playing games or do we sit down and talk like real adults"

Marit groans with his nose running bloodily "I Jah torck tor hairy Furnites"

"Games huh... well thats fine by me" she says cracking her knuckles

Try all you like... Marit thought, seeing the anthro readying to pounce again


a human walked in the viewing room mere moments from Marits awake

all the anthros present in the room shoot death glares at him, all except the scared lion standing with an air of authority

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