Canadian Peninsula Campaign

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NFA military Command, New Grando

the colorful capital city of Grando

In the countries grandest courthouse, there was a court preceeding were the audience were high military anthro officials who glared atthe only human on the stand

"Captain Freeman you were present at the time when the Martian Army was enroute to take Nova Scotia am I correct??" the Racoon Judge asked

"that is correct your honor" Freeman states

"the floor is yours" he says to the cheetah prosecutor who paces around the room

"Captain Freeman was a leiutenant in the American special forces and may have sided with the Martians in Captuting Nova Scotia"

"Objection your honor, Captain Freeman was complient when he was captured in Eroupe and has been reliable asset in mending the Anthro-Human relations" the bear defense attorney states


"Mummy, is daddy going to be alright" a young girl ask, followed by her mother sobbing quietly and they're teenage sons holding her tightly

"Captain Freeman... Can you please tell us what happen" cheetah prosecuter state



...4 months earlier...

Canada, Chignecto plains, Earth

45th Infantry Division NFA

across the Isthmus of Chignecto, where the people of canada used to live, now only shadows of ruins remain as a shadow of its formerself

on the main road connecting the mainland of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

The 45th infantry convoyed across the isthmus of chignecto to the historic ruins Forts of Beausejour and Lawrence

"So what did your sister say Antonia" a black man asks delightfully

"If you want to hear about how handsome you are from my sister, then you can go off jerk a goat Borris" Antonia scrowls

the 45th were comprised of mainly humans with fur officers in place. The reform to allow Humans into the army was enacted a few years ago

though on paper it sounded nice, but reality is different. the 45th were given decommissioned weapons and barely functioning vehicles and equipment. A laughing stock since the recruits were green and the fur officers are the worst.

however a certain human captain managed to keep this unit togather

"what does aiyana stand for?" captain Freeman asks

"Eternal bllom" the red indian replys steering the LAV

"Then your names Eternal for now on" Freeman says which Eternal smiles at that

drove into the abandoned wartorn town of Armhest, the town was nearly demolished when the Fur razed it with inceniary rounds during the Great War

an Leiutenant walks up to Freeman "Captain, we have secured the area and are awaiting your orders"

Freeman nods at this, then gets on top of the LAV to address the entire Division

"Alright listen up Men, orders are to hold the enemy here, these roads here are the only way in and out of Scotia" Frost explains gesturing to the main asphalt road "The Martians want to take it, so they can move their forces in"

"Walter Hold Sackville. Armine your Fort Beausejour. Antanio, Borris Fort lawrence is yours"

before they left to their respective areas, one of the leiutenants spoke up "Captain... is it true that the ali- I mean Martains are... Humans??"

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