Invasion Part two: the Fall

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New Flurin, Earth

Ninrial Ferederation Special Forces

it was day break and the foghting in the New Flurin continouse to rage on the streets below as the skies are blanked with smokes of war

"Gima sqaud, prepare to deploy" the Blackhawk pilot says over the intercom as dark outlines of spec ops anthros filled the passenger seats

"Fucking animals, first No-Furs and now this Fucking shit" hissed a dragon

"these Space Cunts think they could waltz into our homes and take anything they want..." snarled a wolf

they watched with cold burning rage at the battles over the city, as continous pleas and cries filled the radio traffick

"Something tells me these Furless Fags and this fucking invasion are connected somehow..."

"What do you mean Diva??"

"Just a gut feeling"

"the LZ is too hot to land, enemy has air superiorty. Sorry but we gotta drop..." The pilot states as the Spec Ops of Gima  Team loaded their weapons

"Can't wait to blast one of these motherfuckers with this!!" the panther growls cocking his M4 shotgun
"Just wait until i give them this..." the Eel anthro loads the round into his rifle

"Alright shut the fuck up and listen up, our orders are to capture and extract information from these aliens and if possible detain one of these alien bastards"

Gima squad landed in the abandoned market square out came the members of Gima Squad

Mira Welldon
Role: Team Medic
Race: Hare

Diva Mayson
Role: Fireteam leader
Race: fox

Arime Vordun
Role: Breacher Demolistion Expert
Race: Panther

Hemdil Basilli
Role: Assualter
Race: Wolf

Burban Russol
Role: shock trooper

Straiter Ullesia
Role: Sniper
Race: Eel

Carey Nimbul
Role: Recon
Race: Rabbit

Rucy Fredin
Role: Assualt
Race: Bengal Tiger

Shidoll Ebada
Role: Machine Gunner
Race: Dragon

Marda Emberial
Role: AT Trooper
Race: Dragon

"Pos-Cat Gima team on site, moving to objective..." Diva signals for the hole team to move out

the streets were devoid of life and activity, but the scenery would soon change when they stepped into the warzone areas, filled with dead anthros at every corner

"Fucking animals, shooting unarmed civilians" Rucy curses

"This is a blatant War Crime" Mira says

enroute through the abandoned war torn streets filled with bodies, a shreick of fear resounded nearby, they double their steps to a series of rubble piles

the alienic beeping and the suction of air alerted their presense, a group of dark armored aliens burst through the glass doors of a mall carrying an injured anthro husky screamming in pain

"What are they doing??" Hemdiell whispers before Diva signal the squad to take their positions

the aliens dumped the husky on the ground

"N-No, no, no!!" the husky whimpers in fear before two bayonet blades slammed into the poor anthro, making the husky cry uncontrollably while spitting blood

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