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(Warning: Sexual Content Ahead)

55th sol, 2039

URM Lunar FOB, Darkside of the Moon

During the last days of the war, all countries related to the secret space programs, purged any evidence of their involvement and denyed the Anthros in to space technology.

that also included unofficial bases not known to the public

the Lunar refineries were vital for their extraction of helium-3, the bases posted there were used as trans-shipment points for the gas and supplies for the engineers posted there.

which all had to be built on the darkside of the moon

many secret wars were fought over the control of helium-3, but never on a large scale as space made it impossible for military intervention to conduct themselves fully and accordingly

until it was abandoned for a time, when Humanity needed more manpower to shore up the lines against the Anthros.

though Humanity lost, the secret coordinates to the Moonbases were successful hidden which helped in denying the Anthros from further knowledge into the expansion of space.

the bases were hidden and untouched until the URM took over the refineries and then resumed production

till this day, URM continues their mining operation on the moon.

Using hundreds of black painted shuttles to fly back and forth making small shipments frequently, while regularly enough to cover the distance between moon and mars, and the consumption rate. while created Helium fuel silo facilities in case of an incident.

URM keeps a sizable secuirty force to guard the mines, bases and the refineries while regularly expanding their operations within the borders of the darkside of the moon

Since Solar panels and wind turbines cant continue to provide the remaining 60% of energy on all Mars Dome Cities, the importance of the Moons helium fuel resources is nothing but an understatement

the Mars Overvoid Space Fleet (MOSF) codenamed the Crusader Fleet couldn't Space drop the armies of Mars directly onto earth.

they required Space Pods to do so. but the Crusader ships are not equipped to carry all of them and the pods cannot travel long distance in space.


Lunar Base 045, Moon

56th Sol

"Forward March..." called the Company commanders

Division worth of men marched out in columns of companies as the army departs the Crusade fleet, marching through the iron embraces and corridors of this space station

"whats our Motto" an officer barks

"Born on the red, dye with the red"

though the Crusade fleet initoinally split up before hand to dock at other lunar bases, the sheer size of the army and equipment needed to move out was astonishing

"on the trams asshats move it!!!" an MP bellowed as soldiers lined up to board the dozens of cargo trams "we gotta schedule to keep move and squeeze"

the cargo tram was dimly lit and definatly sufforcating as the name implies yo cargo, over five dozen men were huddled and squeezed togather no didnt want to talk if it consume the oxygen

Dox cuaght a glimpse through the cracks and saw a great underground canyon filled with giant drills and rovers

what was thought to last an eternity was only a few minutes, when the tram wheels screeched as the it gradually came to a halt

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