Tales of the Blood Sand Division

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(Warning: content below would prove to be racist and blasphemy. Know it is not my intwntion to be racist or disrespect your belief, this is a fanfiction work based on hybrid knowledge from other sources)

17 years ago...

The Infamous Blood Sand Division that carved their way through Earths harshes and hottest Desert Terrain, from the Casablanca regions of Moroco to the Holy City of Jeruselum. But they have been encircled in Akkar.

The Blood Sander's werr order to drive north into Turkey to cut off the retreating Turkish, Syrian, Greek and Bulgarian Armies regrouping south-east.

While the Coalitions Northern and North-Eastern Army Groups drove the Humans down the Caucasus and Istanbul regions.

However the Intel was wrong, the battered retreating Humans travelled south, while the Blood Sand Division met resistance from local terrorist. Before noticing several Human Army groups poured down on the Division.

But matters became worst when their rear was cut off by the Taliban Army who took Lebanon in their Fanatical Crusade of uniting the Middle East from forgien oppressers.


Akkar, Lebanon

"Quickly Run!!!"

Anthros hurreid over the beating heat, as cascading whistles like a boiling kettle shreicked across the high sun


the rocky desert terrain was engulfed in a series of furious explosions, the cries and howls of pain were silenced by the artillery barrage

after the barrage that lasted for hours, one of the survivors from the forward positions cried out in fear


popping their heads over the sand

"Holy Shit!!!"

Waves of Middle-Eastern fighters descended on the Anthros, hundreds of humans fired from the mountains while tanks and cars attacked on the ground

"Give these Hairless Shits, the LEAD!!!" bellowed a Blood Sand captain, prompting everyone to pour fury

The entire defence line opened into sporatic fire of lead


Blood Sand Divisional Headquaters

"Where the Hell is the South-Eastern Army Detachment!! We are surrounded by several Human Armies!!!" Yelled the General

"My... logies... Tali... have cut off... Fighting Hard... But they... retreating back... Jeruselum" The operator knocked the radio hars until it was back to normal "General, We cannot afford to lose the Holy City of the No-Furs, it will be a huge blow to the war effort..."

"On Whose Orders"

"Senior High Command have agreed to the pleas of the Joint Anthro Governments (JAG)"

"Fucking Politics!!!" He roared before a shriecking missile flew staright in and blew the Divisional HQ sky high.


Southern Encircled Line

"Sargeant Holl!! take a team and flank these Wankers" Holly's LT bellows

"Roger that" the young veteran Holly takes off to his feet, rallying anybody on his way

through the rhytemic harrowing of guns and blazing, Holly managed to round up a few anthros. sliding down a ditch too steep for tanks and infantry to climb.

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