Chapter 1: The Violet Ship

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Nova's auburn hair swayed on the wind like the seagulls swayed on the water. They boarded the ship and took in the salty sea air.

As they exhaled, they looked at their family walking down the quay.

Their father, Ikraam, wrestled with the suitcases. Their mother, Bricriu, asked if he needed help.

"No, I'm fine," he said. "You shouldn't lift anything while pregnant, my love."

Bricriu gave him a kiss on his forehead which instantly boosted his strength and suitcase dexterity.

Enchanted by the seagulls, Khalon neared the edge and -

"Watch out," Boovoo said as she pulled her sister back, "You might fall."

"But, Boovoo, look how cute they are. I just want to pet them, okay?"

Bricriu intervened: "No petting, sweetie."

"But mom.."

Seren and Ever checked out the other passengers.

"Look at their dress," Ever mused while pointing, "it's gorgeous."

Seren hummed. "I like their hat."

"No pointing at people," Ikraam said, "It's a war declaration in certain countries."

"Sorry," the kids yelled, "we come in peace."

Ikraam rolled his eyes.

Yhule hit Yugen on the shoulder. "The last one at Nova is a Javifluf."

"Jumping over the suitcases is 10 points," Yugen screeched as he jumped over the suitcases Ikraam dragged.

"That's an easy 10 points," Yhule laughed.

"No running and jumping." Ikraam sighed. "Why did I agree to this?"

Yhule and Yugen ran passed the passengers and up the ship.

Yhule wrapped his arms around Nova. "I win."

"I shall be victorious next time. You just wait and see."

Nova's sharp teeth glistened in the summer sun as a huge smile crossed their face. They waved at their parents and the rest of their siblings still on the quay.

"Are you coming?"


It took a lot of pushing and pulling, but as the evening fell, all the suitcases found their place.

Ikraam let himself fall on the bed and Bricriu softly caressed his hair.

Seren put on some make up while Ever assembled their matching outfits for dinner.

Khalon showed off her new white dress.

Boovoo and Yugen clapped their hands and complimented Khalon on looking so happy in it.

Nova and Yhule laid across one of their beds. They were surrounded by comics.

Nova said: "The Volture is great, don't you think?"

"I like Captain Sam better." Yhule showed Nova his comic. A feline captain stared at them from beneath wild curls. "See?"

Nova's eyes twinkled. "Captain Sam... Can I read it?"


When Seren and Ever were finally ready, the family went to dinner.

As they walked through the violet hallway, the smell of freshly backed Javifluf hung in the air.

Nova wetted their lips.

The ship rocked violently.

"Don't worry, children," Bricriu said, "we're just at a rough patch in the sea. All will be well."

By the time they arrived at the dining room, the rocking had become viciously rough.

Ikraam held on tightly to Bricriu, making sure nothing would endanger her or their unborn children.

Khalon fell to her knees, ripping her dress in the process. She emitted a deafening scream.

Seren fell on his butt. Ever laughed before falling on her butt as well. They both laughed.

Yugen grabbed Yhule's arm as Yhule held on tightly to the wall.

Boovoo instinctively sat on the floor. "Nova, sit down."

Nova shook their head as they made their way to their parents.

"Mom, dad, maybe we should-"

A huge wave hit the ship. Screams filled the air and choas wrecked havoc in the dining room.

Nova fell. They hit their head and lost consciousness.


As Nova regained consciousness, the chaos around them was ever increasing. People screaming, wood breaking, the boat viciously rocking up and down. The salty sea's smell as clear as day.

Someone blurry stood over Nova and shook them. "Captain, wake up."

Nova drowsily looked up.

As their vision cleared, they saw a man with a thin moustache and long thin beard through which some gold jewelry had been braided.

"Captain," the man said to Nova, "get up. We need you, we're losing."

Nova looked around them. They were the only ones at this side of the ship. "Me?"

"Yinglong hit you hard." The man smiled sadly. "Yes, you are the captain. This is your ship and that is your crew getting killed by Yinglong, the Rain Dragon." The man pointed at the battle the other side of the ship.

A huge dragon made of water roared down from the sky flooding over at least 50 humans who desperately clinged to the ship and each other to not be washed away.

"What are you orders, captain?"

Nova noticed a pirate hat on the ground next to the man.

"Is that mine?"

The man nodded.

Nova picked up the hat and put it on. "Let's defeat the dragon."

"Aye aye, captain."

Nova ordered the pirates left on the ship to grab the sails.

"Use those to scoop them back up," they yelled as Yinglong drenched the ship and everyone on it.

"You heard the captain," the man said, "let's get to work."

As the man walked towards the others, the dragon hit the ship.

They all fell.

Nova grabbed a rope. "Wrap this around you," they said while throwing it at the man.

Yinglong hit the ship. The man missed the rope. A huge wave washed over them.

Nova held on tightly and watched as the sea swallowed their friend.

Dangling on the rope, Nova screamed.
They screamed their lungs out for those who had fallen. They screamed their lungs out damming the Beast.

Their eyes filled with thunder as they screamed: "You will pay for this."

They grabbed their sword and swung it in the air as they jumped towards Yinglong.

Yinglong snorted. They whipped Nova against the deck.

Blood trickled down Nova's head as they laid on the deck floating between life and death.

A boot clicked on the railing behind them as a feline voice said: "Need a paw?"

Nova looked up. "Captain Sam?"

"Let's go get them."

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