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New chapter 😁. I'm so sorry for the long wait. Enjoy.


"I've missed you, Ellie" Luc said sweeping me into a crushing hug. Seeing him at my door step after such a long time was shocking to say the least. It took me a few seconds to actually return the hug.

"I've missed you too. Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" I asked. Luc had gone for a training program in another state for his company a few weeks ago. Since that time I hadn't really heard from him so I was surprised to see him all of a sudden.

"I wanted to surprise you obviously" he said lightly chuckling.

"So after all this time, Now you decide to show up?" Michael said giving Luc a cold look.

"Michael...Good to see you" Luc said giving him an equally cold stare. I gently grabbed Luc's arm and gave it a small squeeze. Luc turned to face me and stared at me a bit before backing down. He smiled, clasped my hand and turned to Michael.

"Let's continue this later. Right now my girlfriend is more important than whatever you have to say to me" he said and turned to the door pulling me slightly. Micheal looked like he was about to protest but I sent him a sharp look and watched him sulk slightly before turning away.

So damn protective.

I know Micheal meant well but I couldn't stand another muffler in my life. Luc was the only one my parents seemed to trust and they were fine with a lot of things so far he was there. That new found freedom was akin to an addictively drug I couldn't get enough of.

We made our way to the table and Luc sat between I and my mum and Jade and Michael sat opposite us. My father took his seat at the head of the table and he asked Jade to lead grace.

As Jade stood, she cast Luc a hard stare which made me realize my dad just made a mistake.

"Dear lord, I thank you for this wonderful food set before us. My hope is that as we eat we appreciate what we have now and not worthless trash of yesterday. Amen"

After a chorus of akward amens, Jade sat down while smirking at a silently fuming Luc. I honestly couldn't figure out where Jade's sudden animosity for Luc came from.

At the begining of our relationship, Jade had no problems with Luc. She was just as happy as I was about getting together with him. But then after he cancelled a few times on plans we made together, she started saying how these were issues a should take up with him. I was fine with it as I knew how important his work was to him, but jade just refused to see reason. I understood she cared but right now I really couldn't afford a cat fight between the two.

I squeezed Luc's hand under the table silently begging him not to react. He generally lost his temper with Michael but he couldn't argue here.

"Well now that Jade has given that Interesting prayer, let's all eat and enjoy a normal family dinner,"

Yes, Just a normal family dinner.

"So Luc... How are you finding your job? We haven't heard from you in a while," my dad said akwardly trying to dispel the tension in the room.

Settling into an easy smile, Luc immediately replied "Yeah I had to monitor the program I was working on," Luc said

"Maybe if you monitored your life, your stank butt wouldn't leave Ella all the time," Jade retorted "Michael, pass the pepper,"

Luc's jaw tensed.


"Well, what I do is really important,"

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