8 5 6

"CONGRATULATIONS! You've just won an all expense paid dinner at my house!! There'll be food, drinks, cak-"



"That cupcake will be 3.99 and trust me don't go,"

"Oh come on Sage," I whined "What happened last time was years ago,"

"Yet I still remember the words your dad said like it was yesterday. I cried for 2 days straight," Sage shuddered

We were currently at the bakery and I was making my pitiful attempts at getting Jade, Micheal, a co-worker and another one of my friends, Sage to come to my house.

"Sorry but even if I wanted to go, which I don't, I have an appointment later with some special people," Sage said

"With who?"

"With my phone. I'm gonna live stream a concert and I am so not gonna miss it,"

I turned with puppy eyes to Jade and Micheal

"Sorry Ella but no way," Micheal said

I turned to Jade.

She immediately held up a finger cutting me off from my begging.

"As much as I would love to waste both our time by pretending to listen to you, my mum wants me home. You can continue your pitiful attempts there"

With that she turned and left the bakery. Sighing, I immediately followed her with Michael trailing behind me.

Jade's house was a few blocks away from the bakery so I took us a short while to drive there. As we walked through the door, we immediately heard a voice call out to us.

"Jadesola? Is that you?"

"Yes Mum. I brought Ella and Michael with me,"

"Oh you did? I'm in the kitchen. You guys should make yourselves comfortable. I'm coming."

As we walked to the living room, we passed an old photo I knew too well. It was a picture of Jade, Michael and I with our parents at the beach. I remembered that day quite well. We were all about eight and we all wanted to have fun. It was also the period before Jade's parents got divorced. I stood and stared a bit at the photo wondering what exactly happened to her dad. After the divorce, he remarried a woman who already had a son. But after an incident that happened a year ago, I never asked about them again.

I immediately turned away. Thinking about what her brother did to me still left bad memories that I didn't want to revisit.

I immediately launched myself on the couch and began begging them to come again.

" Oh come on! Please? There will be free food. You guys love free food"

"Yes but I'm not risking it again. My dignity is more important than food," Michael said

"Says the guy that once scarfed down 7 slices of pizza at once cause he was dared to," Jade scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"Not the point. Besides my answer remain No" Michael dais firmly.

I weakly turned to Jade giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Oh please. You know that doesn't work on me" she said.

I sighed.

I guess I'll have to do it the hard way.

"Then you leave me no choice," I said "MRS Remi, Micheal and Jade are being mean to me,"


They both froze at the mention of her name. They looked at each other and had one word clearly on their face: RUN.

Micheal bolted first.

Unfortunately for him, the accuracy of the slipper was impeccable and it hit in the middle of his back.

Jade's fate was better. She dove behind Micheal and he got a second slipper to the gut.

So Basically Poor Micheal

"Kiloshele? Wetin dey sup?" Jade's mum said

Mrs Remi was an explosive and protective woman. She was literally the firecracker in our parent's friend group. She was a very cheerful Yoruba woman but was not afraid to tackle anything that rubbed her the wrong way. She was very kind and loved me . She was basically Jade grown up with a killer attitude and a killer aim to match

Micheal got up groaning.

"Why is it always me that gets pelted with slippers?" He said

"Well then maybe you shouldn't bully your friends. You too Jadesola," she said

"But she was trying to make us go to dinner at her parents house!"

"Ehen? Na bad thing? Abeg, make una package yourselves comot for here," Mrs Remi said "Make I nor hear pem."

"Fine." They both muttered.

I was so proud of myself


I was not proud of myself

During the ride, Jade kept on giving me an evil glare so at that point my safety was not certain.

As we pulled up to my house, I noticed a car that looked familiar. I was wondering who the guest was as I knocked on the door.

"Ah Ella. Right on time. Come in," my dad said as he opened the door.

As he led us to the dining room, I was still trying to place my finger on who had the car.

"Ella, you have a surprise guest," my dad said opening the door.

Stepping I was immediately met with warm brown eyes. It took me a few seconds to register what I was seeing because I couldn't believe it

"Hey Ella"


"Shit" Michael growled

"Wahala" Jade said with a roll of her eyes



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