Chapter Seventeen - Mother

771 17 12

Word Count: 3,068 words.

Warnings: None.

"Lyra!" a voice called and I turned to my left, finding Draco and Mattheo rushing towards me. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," I told them, shaking my head. "What are we here for?"

Riddle swallowed. "It could only be one thing."

Both Draco and I nodded slowly. "Alright," I started. "We need to get our story straight."

"Story?" Mattheo asked.

"Well, he's obviously going to ask about how the progress on The Vanishing Cabinet is going, so we need to have a good answer for him, or he might just get pissed."

Riddle nodded. "Yes, that makes sense."

"We've tried everything in the normal repairing tomes but have found nothing. We are now moving to tomes from the Restricted section," I told them.

They both nodded. "And what if he asks something else?" Draco asked.

I shook my head. "Then we improvise."

"I'm not the best at improvisation," Mattheo told me.

"Then leave that to me."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Draco asked. "After what happened the last time you were here? The guards at Azkaban?"

I nodded. "Let's just say I have the upper hand this time."

The two boys sent a look to each other before turning back to me. Riddle asked the question. "And what upper hand would that be?"

"I know something he doesn't," I told them before turning away and beginning my journey into Malfoy Manor.

"Lyra," Felix Rosier greeted me as I entered.

"Hey Felix," I replied.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Never better."

He smiled at that gesturing to the dining room. "He's waiting for the three of you."

I nodded, making sure that Draco and Mattheo were beside me before making our way inside.

"Ah," Voldemort spoke up as we entered, the doors closing behind us. "If it isn't my little spies."

We stood in a line on the other side of the table, each of us equally nervous in front of the man.

No one else was in the room. It was just three kids, and the monster before us.

"My Lord," Mattheo spoke up, taking charge of the conversation. He had done this a more times than we had. "What is it that calls us to you?"

"Your progress..." he started, rising from his chair. He made his way towards us and I spotted Nagini moving along the ground beside him. "Is slow."

"We have tried every spell in the school's library and have now moved on to the Restricted Section, although it is proving to be harder than expected."

"How so?" Voldemort asked.

I watched as Riddle flinched slightly at his tone. I straightened.

"We are not allowed in the Restricted Section, my Lord," I told him, turning the man's attention to me. "It is not as easy as you think to retrieve books from it. It has to be done during the night and we cannot take more than a handful without it slowing us down on our journey back to the Common Room. We do not wish to get caught."

Surviving Fate // Mattheo Riddle ♣️Where stories live. Discover now