Chapter Twenty-Eight - Bound

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Word Count: 3,393 words. 

Warnings: None. 

"Neville!" I shouted across the corridors of Hogwart's at the Gryffindor boy. He stood alone, his eyes frantically searching for the voice that had called out to him. When his eyes landed on my quickly approaching figure, he let out a sigh of relief.

"What's going on?" he questioned. "Draco told – "

"No talking," I cut him off, taking his sleeve gently. I checked the halls around me before pushing Longbottom into an empty classroom. I locked the door behind us.

"Black, what's going on?" Neville asked when I turned back to him.

I pressed my back against the closed door, closing my eyes for a moment. I could feel a headache beginning. I couldn't see her, but I knew she was smiling. She had to be.

"I think Harry's on his way here," I explained, opening my eyes again and letting out a heavy sigh. "The war ending today."

His eyes were wide. "I didn't believe Malfoy when he said it, but are you sure?"

I nodded. "Call it a gut feeling. It's all going to end right here. In Hogwart's."

He nodded slowly. "We need to prepare. Find what defences we can and alert the teachers. I get what forces of students I can and set up a perimeter to watch for him. We'll have to distract the Carrow's."

I laughed lightly. "Never thought you'd make a good leader Neville," I muttered.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" he replied.

"It's a compliment because you proved me wrong."

Neville smiled. "I never thought I'd call you a friend, but here we are."

"Okay, that's just mean."

He laughed, resting his side against the nearest desk. His mood suddenly turned sombre. "What can we do against Voldemort's army?" he asked, eyes meeting mine. "I'm all for giving it everything we have, but what exactly is it that we have?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Something he doesn't."


I shook my head. "He prides himself on being the most powerful man in the world, but he is lonely. Those that follow him, follow out of fear or conformity. The want to be needed by someone. His closest followers, no matter what they say, would kill him for the chance to be stronger. More powerful. He doesn't have anyone who loves him or who cares for his wellbeing. His life," I paused, taking a breath. "There's no such thing as good and evil Neville. I learned that a long time ago, but there are two kinds of people in this world."

"And what are they?" he asked.

"The humans and the monsters."

"And where's the line between them?"

I hesitated. "It's thin," I answered, shaking my head, "but then again so large at the same time. Honestly Neville, the only difference between good and evil, humans and monsters, well... it entirely depends on who's telling the story."

I was a monster. For the things that I had done. Even for those that I had almost done. This curse inside me was a monster, no doubt about that, but had it made me one? Yes, I believe it had.

"You're not a monster Lyra," Neville told me, as though he could read the thoughts in my mind. "You're not evil either."

"Remind me to have you write my story when I'm gone."

Surviving Fate // Mattheo Riddle ♣️Where stories live. Discover now