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Yev has been trying to find out who and what he is sexuality and gender wise. He kissed a boy and he got a bashing from the boys father he gets very intoxicated and his dads found out

Yevgeny's pov:

I'm running for my life after I just got a beating like how terry would give my pop. I found the alibi room Kev doesn't care if I get wasted then I'll go crash at carls. I walk in and everyone turns around and looks at me. "Jeez kid what happened" tommy asked I'll just say it's because I'm a milkovich "it's called being a milkovich" I said I just sat on a bar stool "shot of vodka the stuff that gets you drunk leave the bottle and put it on franks tab please" I said then Kev poured the vodka he gave the glass and the bottle I had the shot and poured the vodka again and again then Frank came to me "did you put your drinks on my tab!" The old bastard shouted "fuckin raise you voice at me again I'm gonna knock you out so hard and it will send you further then your bitch ass wife Monica" I said he punched me in the nose that was already nearly broken "fag" he said I punched so hard in the face it sent him to the ground "cunt" I said and drank the whole bottle of vodka and I tried to leave but Kevin stopped me "I'm not going to let you walk home let me call someone for you how about your dads" he said shit no they can't found out "Carl call him" I said unstable "ok sure" Kevin said he dialled carls number

Carls pov:

I got a call Kevin I pick up "hey Kev what's up" I said getting into my car "can you come to the alibi and pick up yev" he said yes some time with my nephew "yes ofc is he ok?" I said driving to the bar it's good you can connect calls to the car "you'll see" he said and he hang up before he did I heard someone yelling. I arrived I quickly go inside I walk into Veronica holding yev and Kev handling Frank I ran to yev "hey bud you ok" I said he just flopped onto me I have no idea what happened "let's get you to my car alright" I said he just balanced onto me tears rolling down his face. I get him into the passenger seat he looked uncomfortable and buckled him in and I got in the driver seat. "So are you gonna tell me what happened you don't have to if you don't want to" I said I want him to feel like he can trust me and comfortable with me "I've been trying to find out who and what I am and I kissed a boy and his father found out h-h-he beat the fuck out of me and h-h-he got someone to- he didn't finish his sentence he bursted into tears "what did he do bud" I said pulling up to my house. I get out of the car and rushed to Yevs side of the car "want some help" I asked he just flopped onto me again "ok I got you bud" I said getting him inside and settling him on the couch. He screamed in pain when he laid on his back.I rolled him onto his stomach. "Look" I said crouching down to get to his level. "I want you to trust me and be comfortable around me I don't wanna be kinda like uncle lip like if you tell him something he will say it to everyone but I don't want that I want you to feel safe with me not like your dads like a brother" I said "so are you gonna tell me or at least let me see what's up with your back" I said hoping he trusts me "he got someone to get a knife and written fat faggot and piss baby on my lower back" he said "I just wanna love someone who isn't my blood and who loves me back" he wailed. "I know it's hard all you need to heal and try again I did it when I was you age" I said getting up and going to the kitchen "how about I order some pizza or something then if you want you can stay or I can call your dads" I said "can you order pizza and fries and can I crash here please. I know it's lot and I'll give the cash" he said "no your not. Just sit down relax and pick out a movie or show to watch but nothing to sexual please" I said because I really don't want want something sexual with my 16 hormonal nephew. I ordered the pizza and fries "can we go to the 7 eleven for doughnuts and slushes" he said he never been a big eater but that might change because of emotions and hormones "I'll give you some cash and you go down ok" I said he just looked at me with utter fear he started to cry "hey don't cry I'll go ok you just stay here and call me if anything happens" I said because I want him to feel safe "I'll be back in a couple of minutes ok" I said waving he waved back I go to the 7 11

Yevgenys pov:

I've finally stopped crying and then I got paranoid then I started to worry about what my dads would do when they found out what if they get mad at me I got into a state of paranoia worrying about my dads being mad Carl walked in I saw him in the corner of my eye "woah woah yev calm down it's ok" he said but those thoughts kept running through my head

No one's pov:

Carl got yev to sit down on the couch he dialled Ian's number "Ian can you and mick come here like right now" he said  not knowing what to do "yea sure what's the matter" Ian asked "you will see" Carl said he hanged up "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CALL THEM" yevgeny yelled Carl just sat there waiting for Ian and Mickey  "I called them because I don't know how to calm you down ok and your dads need to know" carl said. Ian and Mickey arrived at Carls place "Carl we are here what's the matter" Mickey said walking in with Ian to see yevgeny looking like he was having a panic attack "yev are you ok" mick said going to him with Ian "I just wanted to find someone to love who isn't blood and loves me back" yev said his heart utterly broken "what happened bud you can tell us" Ian said mick and Ian both know the feeling "I kissed a boy and his dad found out and gave me a beating and carved fat faggot piss baby onto my lower back I'm not bleeding but it just hurts" yev said he stopped crying he just looked numb "and we are proud of you for founding out who you like we really are" Mickey said "thank you" yev softly spoke "all good bud" Ian said "wanna go home?" Mickey asked yes just nodded "I'll put the food in the car" Carl said he cares about yevgeny so much

Mickeys pov:

I help yev up to the car. Carl brought the food they ordered earlier far out that's a lot of food "where do you wanna sit bud" Ian asked he had always cared yev it makes me so happy "back alone please" he said he looks so sad I feel so bad it hurts me to know my son is going through the same thing me and Ian went through. We all get in I started to drive we arrived home yev took the food and went to his room we checked up on he he was sound asleep. Ian and I went back our room and fell asleep

Hey guys so this is one of my biggest one shot and I wanna know what you guys think pls let me know

Word count: 1393

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