I need to talk to you

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Ian tells Mickey about his age regression and he is very nervous

Ian's pov:

Today is the day I tell Mickey my husband about my age regression I'm absolutely terrified. I don't know how he is going to take this. I go to Carl because I really need to talk to someone "hey Carl can I talk to you for a minute in the back yard" I asked him my hands trembling "sure" he replied we go to the back yard. "What's up you seem very nervous"

Carl's pov:

I asked Ian he looks like he about to have a panic attack "I wanna tell Mickey about my age regression" he said finally Ian is doing it "that's amazing good for you" I said but he still looks nervous and insecure "but I don't how Mickey is gonna take it. What if he hates me or finds me weird or if he gets grossed out and divorces me" Ian responded his eyes grew wide voice filled with panic "he isn't going to leave you ok I promise you just go talk to him" I said he nods as a response. Ian starts walking off to his and Mickey's room. I hope this goes well

Mickeys pov:

I see Ian coming to our room. Yes I get my baby I haven't seen him all day but he looks scared I hope very thing is ok. He walks in looking pale and sweating.  "hey baby are you okay you seem sick" I said worried I help him to bed I sat down next to him and pulled the covers over him "Mickey I need to tell you something" he said softly "yes baby I'm all ears" I said holding his hand "I'm a little and I understand if you don't want to take care of me I'm ok with it" Ian blurted out with tears in his eyes. "I knew it! I'm so smart" I said grinning he looks at me surprised and confused "so your not mad?" He asked me why would I be mad "of course not baby. Now let's get you comfortable" I said getting up "where's your little stuff sweetheart" I asked him he pointed to a shoe box I pick it up and open it. My goodness it's adorable the little pacifier, the little onesie it has bears on it, aww there's a little bear aww, there's some pull- ups and diapers "baby how old are you" I asked so I know what to grab. He holds up one finger he is so young he can't talk aww I grab out a onesie, diaper, pacifier and his bear. I walk back to the bed and put his diaper on with the onesie and put the pacifier in his mouth. "There's my cute baby" I said I pick him up

No one's pov:

After Mickey picked up Ian he got under the covers and getting ready to sleep they never have naps in the day but he thought today Ian definitely needed one. He put some rain music on to help Ian sleep. They were both out light a light

Hey guys sorry this took a lot longer I was away doing stuff

Shoutout to lovelygallavich210 for the request

Word count: 546

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