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Request:  lovelygallavich210 

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Request: lovelygallavich210 

So I've changed that Debbie is not a lesbian she is in fact homophobic I hope everyone is ok with that

Ian's pov:

Me and the family we're watching a movie together since it was family movie night Vee and Kev were here to since their basically family. I started to feel the urge to slip oh no fuck not now! "Mick" I whisper I didn't want anyone to hear I know they know but they sometimes make fun of me not like their grossed out but they just joke around but they can have the tendency to go to far "yea bub" Mickey whispered back "I'm slipping" I said really quiet I look around to see if anyone heard they haven't thank god "are you wearing a diaper" he asked me but it wasn't so quiet shit! I feel everybody's eyes on me. Fuck what do I say if I say yes they are gonna make so much fun of me and if I say no Mickey is gonna make go upstairs to check or he normally checks my pants downstairs fuck it imma just say yes if they make fun of me they make fun of me. "Yes" I said "seriously!" "Aww the baby is here"  "do you need a nappy change" this was coming from Fiona and lip them two mostly do it "fuckin faggot baby" Debbie said I turn my head to her fully slipping into little space I turn my head back to Mickey tears streaming down my cheeks

Mickeys pov:

I'm about to click it I pull Ian into my hold so he feels safe. I look up to give Debbie my special death glare "you ever speak of Ian like that again I wouldn't mind calling up Mandy remember her my sister Ian's best friend so watch your fuckin mouth to Ian" I said I pull out Ian's pacifier and put it in his mouth he sucks on it really fast "oh what she gonna do fuck lip in front of me the fuckin slut" Debbie said no she did not just say that "OI! Don't you ever speak of my sister like that again" I said covering Ian's ears with my hands he doesn't need to hear this shit. I feel something wet on my shirt it's Ian's tears fuckin hell Debbie sucks "Debbie that was to far" Carl said and this why he is my second favourite Gallagher he gets along with Ian he doesn't make fun of Ian and he has some good advice for when it comes down to murder I move hands away from his ears

No one's pov:

"Oh come on he take a bit he was bashed by terry for being a fucking faggot" Debbie said eyeing Ian, Ian looked up at Mickey sobbing "Debbie!" Lip shouted at her "what the fuck was that for" Fiona said she and lip may make fun of Ian for being a little but no makes fun of him for being bashed "that wasn't cool" Liam said Ian crying quietly into Mickey's chest holding him tightly "Jesus guys calm your tits" Debbie said going to her room "Ian Mick we don't think less of you for bashed by terry" Vee said she always got good things to say when the time is shit everybody went back to watching home alone

Hey guys here's another one won't be publishing for a bit since it it Christmas tomorrow for me but happy holidays I hope you all have a great one love you all 🤍

Shoutout to lovelygallavich210

Word count: 600

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