Nighttime routine

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Ian is little his age is between 1-3 and he has a nighttime routine with that Mickey helps him as his husband and caregiver

Request from lovelygallavich210

Mickey pov:

Me and Ian were watching the new Spider-Man he is obsessed with him. I look over at the clock to see that it's 10:30 shit Ian likes to be in bed by 11 and him being little he'll get upset "hey baby" I said playing with Ian's hair "wesh dada" he said he as the most adorable voice "it's time get ready for bed" I said he quickly gets out of between my legs "bath! Bath!" He said jumping up and down he absolutely loves his baths "I'll get the bath ready and could you get your clothes ready" I said I know he likes doing something to help because he feels like he is wanted and very helpful. "Wesh dada" he said running to our room. As I get up I notice something wet. Oh no Ian had an accident I'm not really bothered to clean the floor right now so I'll do it tomorrow morning. I walk to the bathroom and I get Ian's bath toys out I turn on the water a nice warm bath well get him to sleep easier. I put some bubbles in he loves him bubbles as I put the toys in I hear Ian's footsteps run to the bathroom "is it ready" he asks "just let me test it bub" I said I put my hand in the water it's the perfect temperature "yes it's ready bub" I said before you know it he is already in the water "very nice fank chu dada" he said as he plays with his rubby duck. I start to wash his hair and wash out the shampoo and conditioner I hear a quiet yawn coming from Ian "I think someone is ready to go sleep sleepy" I said Ian nods slowly he must be really tired. I drained the water and got a cozy towel for Ian. As I picked him up with it he lays his in my neck. I start to rub a body cream Ian makes me use on him it smells so good like lemons. I walk to bedroom and place Ian the bed and put a diaper on him with the pjs he picked out. "Fank chu dada you da best" I heard Ian say very quiet I smile he is so cute and adorable "my pleasure princess" I said as I picked him up and got us under the covers

Ians pov:

Dada got us under the warm covers it's raining outside just the way we liked it. I lay head on his chest and I feel him play with my hair I like it he does it the right way soft and slow. "Dada" I said softly I see him nod "can we listen to music" I asked I love listening to music it helps me sleep and be calm "yes of course baby what song" he said as he got his phone out the speaker "mockingbird by m&m" I said I love that song so does Mickey he plays the song as the lights on the speaker go red I start to drift to sleep

No one's pov:

Ian and Mickey both fell asleep to the music there was no disturbance while they slept Ian's head is still on Mickey's chest and Mickey's hands are in Ian's hair.

Hey guys sorry for not updating in awhile
Also if anyone has any recommendations please leave in the comments no one is going to judge
Shout out to lovelygallavich210  for the request

Word count:620

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