Daytime routine

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So this is basically a part two of nighttime routine

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So this is basically a part two of nighttime routine

Request from lovelygallavich210

Mickeys pov:

I wake up to Ian still in my arm's music playing Ian he still asleep that's good I need to go clean up the couch. I slowly move Ian off me and tip toe to the living room. I look up at the clock to see it's only 4 am. Fuckin hell why am I up so early anyway. I get the cleaning supplies I need and start cleaning the couch and floor. 10 minutes later I've finished cleaning I'm not tired so I'll make breakfast. I walk to the kitchen and get out the pancake mix. A bit after   I put the pancakes on the pan the chocolate chips melt through the pancakes. 10 minutes later there done I get Ian's plate out he normally wakes up little so he'll love the Spider-Man plate and sippy cup I put the pancakes on his plate and mine. Ian loves jam with his pancakes so I put jam on the side after I set the table I walk back to our room. Hearing Ian sobbing "Ian baby what's the matter" I said rushing to him "I had accident I sowwy pease nwo mad I be good" Ian said whimpering "oh baby daddy isn't mad let's get you changed" I said picking him up I really couldn't care if my shirt gets wet. I placed him down in the bed and get wet wipes, diaper and a new set of clothes "ok lets get you cleaned up" I clean him up with the wet wipes and putting the diaper on him. I hear Ian giggling "what's so funny mister" I said he looked up at me "idk I just felt like giggling" Ian said he is so god dam adorable. I put his clothes "ok let's go eat" I said before you not it he gone out running to the table "PANCAKES YAY" Ian screamed with joy "baby quiet voices it's very early" I said

Ian's pov:

Uh oh me loud "I sowwy daddy" I said looking down feeling bad I hate when I'm not good "it's ok daddy was just telling you to be a little more quiet" daddy said I feel more better. Me and daddy sit down he cut my pancakes up just how I like them and jam I love jam so much. We just finished eating "daddy can we watch movie" I asked I love morning movie and cuddle time "sure bubs what movie" daddy asked "captain America and da winner soldier"
I said I love marvel but not as much as I love daddy "are you sure it is a little scary" daddy said then I remember what happens in the movie "lwooney tunes" I said that that was the next thing that came to my mind "that's a better movie" daddy said I'm happy that he thinks it's good "yay! Can I get comfy on da couch" I asked I always ask before I do anything because I'd hate if I did something wrong "of course baby" daddy said as he picks me up

No one's pov:

"Strong daddy" Ian said as Mickey takes them both to the couch. "Can you sit here while I get some blankets" Mickey asked Ian he responded with a nod. Mickey went to their room and got out some blankets and go Ian's pacifier he loves that one it's mint green and baby blue. Ian and Mickey get all cuddled up under the blankets they both  look so adorable. Ian sucking on his pacifier happily while looney tunes is on. Just them two nobody else

And another one done sorry it took more time I was just busy with schoolwork but I hope everyone has had a wonderful day or night

Shoutout to lovelygallavich210

Word count: 645

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