CHAPTER 9 (Attacked)

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Every artist have already performed, they all sat down on their assigned seats. Jennie is sitting with a lot of girl groups. She's smiling with them and they also smile to Jennie. They greet Jennie and the brunette warmly greet them. She knows that being an artist is very hard, she understands the pain and sacrifices they've been through. She heard other artist gave their speech after they won. She heard her name being called by the MC which means she won an award. Jennie went in front stage and she deliver her speech.

"Thank you so much for giving me this award KBS Music Bank, I really appreciate this. For all my fans out there, thank you very much in always supporting me. I know you believe on my capabilities. Thank you again everyone. Have nice evening to all of you." Jennie ended her speech and she slowly step down the stage but it's dim light made her almost fell but she felt the soft hands of the blonde who hold her, guiding her in walking down.

They didn't know that the camera was still on Jennie and they saw the blonde. Chaeyoung guide Jennie in her seat and stood up in a corner where she can see the brunette. Every artist was shocked then kept looking at the blonde. Chaeyoung didn't notice that everybody was looking at her as she keep her eyes on the certain brunette. Jennie saw that everyone was looking at her bodyguard so she signalled the blonde to come near her. Chaeyoung obeyed and went to Jennie. She bent down so she can heard Jennie.

"What can I do for you Miss Kim? Do you need anything?" Chaeyoung ask looking down.

"Stay behind me. I think I'll get another panick attack." Jennie said and Chaeyoung stood up and get Jennie's water bottle and opened it for her.

"Here Miss Kim. You should drink some water. It could help you." Chaeyoung said and offered the bottle to Jennie. Jennie accepted it and drink a little.

The event was done, everybody is already stood up and exits the room. Chaeyoung decided not to exit with them as it will all be crowded and Jennie might get another panick attack. She and Jennie stayed for awhile .

"We shouldn't exit with them Miss Kim. I'm afraid it will be crowded and it will make you uncomfortable. " Chaeyoung sincerely said. The brunette nods in agreement.

After the two leave the event. They went to the car. Jennie tiredly sat on the car, Chaeyoung made her way beside Jennie. She knows that the brunette will fall asleep. She move closely to Jennie and offered her shoulders. The brunette saw it then leaned her head on the blonde's shoulder.

The driver talked and said. "Miss Park I think someone is following us, I notice that they've been closely behind us." Chaeyoung looked behind and she backed down when they shoot the car. The driver got panicked so was Jennie who heard the gunshot. Chaeyoung back down and grab her gun at the compartment of the car.

Jennie saw it and said. "How the fuck you had this Park Chaeyoung?! All this time you had a gun?!" Jennie shouts.

"Not now Miss Kim. I need you to calm down Okay?" Chaeyoung said and use her fist and and elbow to break the glass. She points the gun at the cars driver and she's a sharp shooter. She shot the man in his chest and she point the other to his neck. Chaeyoung saw that the car crashed to another car. She face Jennie and saw that she was shaking like the other time. She was covering her ears with both her hands. Chaeyoung throw the gun inside the car and hugged Jennie.

"It's done Miss Kim. They're already gone. No one will hurt you Miss Kim. I promise. Stop crying Miss Kim. I'm here." Chaeyoung said and she felt the woman move and hugged her tighter. She hugged the blonde's waist and cried on Chaeyoung's chest.

"I'm so scared Chae. I'm so afraid to loose someone again. Please don't let me loose you." Jennie said.

"You won't loose me Miss Kim. I know what I'm doing. You're not going to loose someone okay? I will protect and keep you safe Jen. I promise." Chaeyoung sincerely said and comfortably caress the brunette's back.

Jennie and Chaeyoung saw that they've arrived at Jennie's house. She saw that the brunette feel asleep in her chest. She told the driver to help them. Chaeyoung went out while carrying the brunette. She thanked the driver and told him to go home.

"I'll be taking care of Jennie. We'll be fine. Please be safe. I will tell this immediately to the agency. Thank you again." Chaeyoung said and went inside the house.

Chaeyoung carried Jennie in her bedroom. She fixed Jennie's duvette and she leave the brunette sleeping. She decided to take a shower and clean her wounds. She went out the shower and she saw the brunette. She was sitting at the bed and she saw Chaeyoung. She stands up and look at Chaeyoung's hands.

"Let me treat this wounds for you Chae. I'm so sorry about this. I should have known it will put you in danger." Jennie said with teary eyes. Chaeyoung was about to decline but when she saw Jennie's eyes. She let Jennie treat her wounds, she sat up infront of Jennie. The brunette is ready. She already have ointment and gauze beside her.

"You have soft and warm hands Chae. I keep wondering how these hands can knocked out 6 men and hold a gun. How did you learn all this things Chae? The gun earlier, how did get it?" Jennie curiously asked.

"You don't have to worry about the gun Miss Kim. Its licensed, I requested that to your agency and they gave it to me. I learn about martial arts when I was a kid Miss Kim. Then when I'm 12 I found guns really intetesting." Chaeyoung said.

"How old are you Chae? I haven't look well in your files. Manager-nim just told me about you." Jennie said

"I'm already 22 years old Miss Kim. I live in my apartment when I was 18 and decided to live independently." Chaeyoung said.

Jennie was finished treating Chaeyoung's hands. She stands up and she decided to leave the room.

"You should get some rest Chae. I'm sorry for the trouble. Please take care of your hands. I'll ask the agency that I'll give you a day off tomorrow. Sleep well." Jennie said but Chaeyoung hold her hand and pull Jennie which made the brunette sat inclined on Chaeyoung's lap.. She widen her eyes and look at Chaeyoung. She saw the blonde was smiling at her so she blushed.

"I like how you blushed Jen. I keep seeing that face when I look at you. If I'll have a day off, then who will protect you? How about you also take a rest? Let's enjoy the weather tomorrow and let's have some fun." Chaeyoung asked while smiling at Jennie.

"But manager-nim will surely loose her mind if she doesn't know where I am. I don't want to get them worry about me." Jennie said and put her arms on Chaeyoung's shoulder. The blonde put her hands on Jennie's waist.

"How about you tell them that you will have to attend an errands about your relatives? They will believe at that or we could really go to your family if you want to. I just want you to enjoy the day tomorrow." Chaeyoung happily said.

"Okay but if something happened to us I'll probably fired you right away. I will tell this to manager-nim." Jennie said.

"Deal. About what happened earlier, I already told the agency about it. I directly contact Mr. Yang and he told me to never leave you alone. He already knew about it before I told him. I don't know how he knew about it but he sounds afraid and scared. That's why I decided you to take a rest. It is best to keep you safe." Chaeyoung explained.

"I'm pretty sure Dad told him about it. Dad used to go at the company when something happens to me. He always scare Mr. Yang." Jennie and Chaeyoung chuckles at the same time. Jennie realize that she still sitting at Chaeyoung's lap. She abruptly stood up.

"Good night Chae. Thank you for saving me again." Then Jennie run and went to her room. She squeal in her pillow and shout. You're so cute Park Chaeyoung! I can't deny it, you're fucking cute! I want to squeeze you! I'll make sure to keep you. I promise.

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