CHAPTER 13 (Caution)

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Chaeyoung woke up in the middle of night and she saw that the brunette was still sleeping. She slowly went off Jennie's body and dressed herself. She went to her room and took a shower. She decided to wear her white shirt and boxer short. She hang her towel in her neck and dried her hair. She went to her bed and lay down. She got startled when her door was slammed opened, she saw a mad brunette glaring at her.

"How dare you leave me there PARK CHAEYOUNG?! You really think it was all about sex?! I want you! Can't you feel that? Why do you keep pulling yourself away from me? Don't you love me?" Jennie said while her tears fall in her eyes. The blonde quickly went off her bed and went to Jennie. She looked down on Jennie's eyes and wipe her tears. She kissed the brunette's lips and look directly in her eyes. She saw her image on Jennie's cat eyes.

"I love you but this set up is new to me Jennie. I don't have any idea if I satisified you. I don't know if I'm enough for you. You could have any man or woman in the world Jennie. And I'm just your bodyguard who will protect you. " Chaeyoung sadly said. The brunette saw hurt and pain on Chaeyoung's almond eyes.

"You don't have to think you're less. You're not just my bodyguard, you're my savior and my lover. I also love you Park Chaeyoung. So don't you dare tell me you're not enough for me because I deserve someone like you. I deserve all of you. Please stop thinking that you didn't satisfied me, Chaeyoung I had 4 orgasm. And you just came twice. Did you still think you're less?" Jennie said and hugged Chaeyoung's waist. She hug her tight as if she don't want Chaeyoung to leave her.

"I know but I can't stop thinking myself. What if I can't be there with you anymore? What if you found someone else? I don't have any idea about relationship. All my life I'm just a person who have to obey someone." Chaeyoung said.

"My feelings won't change Chaeyoung. I never love someone like this, I know your new about this but we are together in this okay? You don't have to worry. I'm with you." Jennie said and caress Chaeyoung's back. "Let's sleep. I want to cuddle you. You're so fresh baby." Jennie said cutely. Chaeyoung chuckles and go in her bed with Jennie. They both lay down and Jennie quickly hugged blonde's waist. The blonde returned back the hug and she smell Jennie's hair. Jennie heard Chaeyoung's heart beat and she smiled at the thought that she's the reason why it beat so fast.

Morning came and the couple heard a ringtone. Chaeyoung lazily look at her phone and saw that Jennie's manager is calling her. She answered and yawn.

"Good morning manager-nim. What can I do for you? Does Jennie have schedules today?" Chaeyoung sleepily said.

"She don't have any schedule this morning but she have to attend at annual night for artist. She have to be ready at exactly 7pm and I will send her dress for tonight." Manager-nim said. "Before I forgot, I also choose a suit for you. You have to be with Jennie. I heard that this event will be the most fancy event in this year. So Jennie should have the best."

"I will tell her that manager-nim. Thank you. I'll update you later." Chaeyoung said and the manager hangs up. Chaeyoung saw that Jennie is still sleeping soundly so she decided to stare at brunette's face. She touch Jennie's cheek and peck her nose.

"Jen? It's time to wake up. Manager-nim called me. Jagiya you have to eat breakfast." Chaeyoung sweetly said. The brunette slowly open her eyes and she saw the smiling face of the blonde. She kiss Chaeyoung and hugged her.

"I'm so tired Jagi. You wore me out last night. Can I stay for 5 minutes? Please?" Jennie cutely said. The blonde chuckles and kiss Jennie's cheek.

"Fine but make sure to went downstairs after 5 minutes. You have to prepare for an event. " The brunette nod and lay back, Chaeyoung went down to cook for Jennie. She choose to prepare waffles for the cat eyed woman. While making the batter, Chaeyoung felt soft hands in her stomache and she heard Jennie behind her.

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