CHAPTER 23 (Mad)

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When they're in Japan, Jennie cried harder when she saw a glimpse of her Mom. Jennie told Chaeyoung that she saw someone looks exactly like her Mom but the blonde didn't listen to her.


Jennie told Chaeyoung everything about her family, while telling stories about her parents, She saw someone who she always missed. Chaeyoung look at where Jennie's looking and she immediately ask her.

"Jagiya? What's wrong?"

"Jagi. It's Mom. She's here." Jennie said not looking at her. Chaeyoung already knew about it and she decided to convince Jennie that she might saw someone similar to her mom.

"What? Maybe she just look like your Mom Jagiya. Let's go? We have to eat dinner Jagiya. You haven't eaten anything." Chaeyoung said and Jennie believe at her.

They went to the car and Jennie was still crying, so Chaeyoung comforts her.

"Jagiya. Stop crying please, She might be someone who looks exactly like your mom. Please Jagiya, don't cry okay? Come here." Chaeyoung said and hugged Jennie. The brunette stop crying and wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry Jagi, Maybe I missed my mom that's why I see her. We should go, we still have to go back." She said. Chaeyoung knows that the brunette was sad. After they arrive at the hotel, Chaeyoung called someone and she made sure that Jennie won't hear her.

"Hello? Who's this? Why do you have my number?" The other line asked.

"It's me, Park Chaeyoung. I called because Jennie saw her Mom. You should've warn me before you let her see Jennie." Chaeyoung said.

"I didn't let her see Jennie. She don't remember Jennie's grown up face. I told you Minhee only remembers little Jennie not the adult Jennie." Jinyoung said.

"I know, but Jennie knows her mother's face. She know every detail of it. We should have prevented her from thinking more about it." Chaeyoung said.

"I think it's time for her to know the truth Park. It's been a week since I've told you the truth. I really want to talk with my daughter. Let's meet right now, I'm currently in Japan. " Jinyoung desperately said. Chaeyoung sighed and agreed.

"Fine, but I won't bring Jennie. I will meet you so we can arrange this things. See you. Just send me the location." Chaeyoung said and hangs up. She didn't know that a certain brunette heard her last conversation with someone.

Jennie pretends that she was just only there for a few minutes. Chaeyoung saw her and she hug Jennie. The brunette hug her and asked.

"Jagi? Who is that?" She asked while hugging Chaeyoung.

"It's just someone I know from here. She would like to meet me and catch up. Will you let me?" Chaeyoung asked for permission and Jennie pulled away from the hug.

"Should I go with you?" She asked and Chaeyoung smiled at her then decline.

"I'm not sure if she want me to bring someone. You could stay here and get some rest okay? I'll be back in no time." Chaeyoung said and kissed Jennie's head then left. Jennie left wondering why Chaeyoung is going to meet someone at the last minute of their vacation. What are you hiding from me Jagi? Is there something important I should know about? I'll have to find it out for myself.

Flashback ends

Present time

After what happen in Japan, Jennie had been distant to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung and Jennie went back to Seoul. They have been engaged for almost a month and Chaeyoung never change. She's still Jennie's bodyguard but her parents keep convincing her to go back at Melbourne. Chaeyoung didn't told Jennie that her parents are keep bothering her about it. She choose to not tell it to Jennie especially as she was investigating about Jennie's family and she felt that the brunette was avoiding her.

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