Fears Come True

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A/N this is based off of a nightmare that I had so i decided to write about it  (There is blood mentioned in this story.)

The Black Nosed Chipmunk woke up with his head pounding he looked around but he couldn't see where he was everything around him was dark.

Chip gripped onto what he assumed was a wall beside him and began to lift himself up off the ground as he stood his legs began to shake causing him to loose balance and fall back onto the ground.

With a grunt of pain Chip rubbed his back then began to stand up again gripping the wall once more however as he stood up his legs were still shaky but this time Chip was able to keep himself from falling.

The Black nosed Chipmunk began to walk but in a much slower pace then he normally would have since his legs were still shaky he couldn't risk loosing balance and falling again so he had no other choice but to walk as slow as possible.

Suddenly, as Chip kept walking he spotted a white flash of light at the end so Chip walked towards it just as he was about to reach the end the Black Nosed Chipmunk tripped over something and fell to the ground face first.

Chip let out a grunt trying his best to not let the tears fall from his eyes he lifted up his paw and gripped at his nose feeling blood seeping through his fingers.

He glared at what he had tripped over but soon the glare turned into a look of fear and Chip didn't even bother to hide the tears back this time and allowed them to fall as he slowly made his way over to the figure that was laying on the ground.

Chip flipped the figure over with a shaky paw and gasped in shock at the sight he saw before him.

"No..." Chip muttered to himself as he saw the bleeding form of his little brother laying on the ground.

Chip lifted a shaky paw and reached for his little brother's shirt before lifting it and what he saw made him want to throw up There was a bullet in Dale's chest which was the reason why he was bleeding so much.

Chip reached his left paw over to Dale's neck checking for a pulse and when he found none Chip felt his heart beginning to beat out of his chest.

"Come on don't do this to me! Not this time man!" Chip yelled begging Dale to wake up sadly Dale didn't budge.

"Wake Up!" Chip yelled and slapped Dale across the face hoping that he would get some kind of reaction out of him.

However that didn't work Dale remained still and never once reacted when Chip slapped him again.

Chip let out a sob as tears fell from his eyes "Wake up!" Chip called out to Dale begging him to wake up. Chip laid his head down on Dale's shoulder begging for his little brother to come back to him and wake up.

Chip jolted awake confused he didn't remember falling asleep he also didn't remember coming back home and laying in his bed.

Chip sobbed he could feel his throat closing up and his heart beating rapidly he could also feel his whole body shaking. Suddenly, he felt his bed dip down and Chip yelped in surprise when a paw was placed on his shoulder.

Chip yanked his shoulder away but that didn't seem to stop whoever was in the room with him. "Easy Chipper, it's just me." The voice spoke which surprised Chip was this a dream? Would he wake up and find that his little brother was dead?

The voice spoke again "this isn't a dream Chip did you have a nightmare?"
The voice said with a concerned voice.

Chip  didn't know what to say to the voice that had spoken to him so he just nodded his head yes.

After a few minutes Chip didn't hear the voice saying anything else did the voice leave? Please don't leave me! I don't wanna be alone! Chip thought to himself as he looked around the room.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere Chipper." The voice said which caused Chip to look over at the other side of the bed and was surprised to see his little brother sitting there looking at him with a concerned look on his face.

"D-Dale?" Chip said in a quiet voice as he looked over his brother to check for any signs that he was hurt and sure enough Chip saw a bruise forming on Dale's cheek which caused Chip to frown.

"Yeah it's me, are you alright Chipper?" Dale asked and Chip wanted to roll his eyes it was obvious that he wasn't ok however Chip just shook his head no and looked up at Dale as tears started to fall from his eyes once again.

Dale frowned and began to make his way over to where Chip was once he was close enough "can I hug you?" Dale asked and Chip nodded his head yes as soon as Dale opened his arms Chip fell into them and hugged Dale tightly.

As soon as Chip fell into Dale's arms he let everything out sobs racked his body while tears fell faster from his eyes. Chip could feel Dale Rubbing his back and he could hear Dale saying comforting words into his ears.

After a few minutes of Dale trying to get Chip to calm down The black nosed chipmunk finally calmed down.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Dale asked Chip in which the Black nosed chipmunk immediately shook his head no.

"Ok we don't have to talk about it now, why don't you try and get some sleep?" Dale said in a calm voice however, Chip shook his head no.

"Not tired." Chip said suddenly a yawn escaped his mouth which caused Dale to smile.

"I think you are Chippy." Dale said however Chip didn't respond "Chip?" Dale said as he looked down at his older brother who was already fast asleep.

Dale laid down in the bed with his older brother still wrapped up in his arms once he was laying down Dale used one of his paws to drape the blankets over both of them.

Once Dale was settled into bed he looked down at his sleeping brother "goodnight Chipper." He said before closing his eyes and after a few minutes Dale fell asleep as well.

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