The Tutor Lesson

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I pull out a cigarette and light it as I walk to his car.
My black long hair is nearly set alight by my lighter
"Hey Mr. Jones"
"You're only 15 , should you be smoking"
"Probably not but I won't tell if you won't."
"Can I bum one?"
He asks.
"Of course"
I pull out the box and give him one.
He lights it off my cigarette and oh my fucking god it was so sexy
I was getting tingles inside of me.
He maintained his eye contact with me.
He leaned in and kissed me.
I was confused at first but then I kissed him back.
I got lipstick onto his lips and we laughed about it.
He drove away and we went to his house.
He opens the door for me
I reply.
He lifts me up , my school skirt blowing in the wind as I laugh.
He carries me indoors and puts me down.
"Aw you have a dog!"
I smile as a poodle comes running to me
I crouch down and pet it
"Yes her names Lulu. I have three actually. I have a corgi named Scout and a Shiba Ainu named Pip"
I stand back up and remove my tie because it's restricting me
"This is fun. We should do this more often"
I laugh as I sit on his couch.
"My mom doesn't even care where I go"
I pull a bottle of vodka out of my bag and ask him has he got any glasses
He brings two shot glasses and I pour us bribe shots
"Okay one two three"
We tilt our heads back and drink
I make a sour face and so does he
"Here give me your phone"
"Just do it"
I unlock it.
"Here's my number"
He says as he puts it in.
"I'd like to call you Cass I'd you'd prefer it?"
He tells me as he fiddles with my braid trying to undo it.
"Yeah I actually prefer that."
He undoes my hair.
"You're beautiful you know that??"
"Uh huh"
He unbuttons my shirt to reveal my white bra.
"Are you sure that we should be doing this?"
I ask.
"Do you want to?"
He says with a tone that's sends shivers down my spine.
"Yes now fucking shag me"
He rapidly pulls down my skirt and rushes me upstairs.
As he continues to plow himself into me , he pulls me closer to him , kissing me passionately which each violent fuck and rush of passion.
An hour later , he zips back up his pants.
"That was fun"
I smile as I grab my shirt from downstairs
"It was. I'll call you later"
"Do you want me to drive you home?"
"No thanks I need the walk."
I kiss him before I walk back to my house.
He watched me leave through his window with a smirk on his face.
My mom was passed out on the sofa when I got home which is a usual thing
I walked straight past her , put down my school bag and put in my AirPods.
I flicked through my good vibes playlist until I found a good song.
I searched through the fridge and I found some leftover lasagna.
"Guess I'll have that since mom is down for the count again."
I notice that my baby sister Cara is laying flat on her back with a blanket around he face which is a hazard for babies.
"Uh huh erm about 5 hours."
She lights a cigarette with some weed in it.
I pick Cara up and cradle her as she starts to cry.
"Shut that bitch up , I didn't want her in the first place!"
Mom says as she grabs another beer.
"How can you say that?"
I sigh as I realise that Cara's diaper hasn't been changed and she's got a nappy rash and that's why she's unsettled.
"How long has she been in this diaper?"
I say as I take the diaper bag.
"Since you went to school"
"Around 8 hours?! 8 FUCKING HOURS"
She slaps me.
"Don't you dare swear at me!"
I rub the side of my face which is now stingy
I finish changing Cara's diaper.
I know that I have to get out of here
I have to get Cara out too.
She's not safe here.
I bring her upstairs as soon as mom has passed out again.
I take my duffel bag that sits on top of my wardrobe.
I notice that it's raining , am I really going to leave.
I've ran away loads of times so mom doesn't call the police anymore , she doesn't care.
I pack a lot of things and put it on my back.
I then go into Cara's room and get some things
I put her in the baby wrap facing my chest.
I take her bottle and pacifier.
The diaper bag is already downstairs soI creep downstairs
I grab it and put it around me and then I get my school bag.
I feel weighed down but I have to go now or I'll never get out of this trap.
I write a note and leave it on the table.
"Mom , I've take Cara somewhere safe. Please don't try and find us. You'll only hurt and damage us more"
I close the door while I hear mom snoring.
Cara is crying because of her rash
I try to soothe her but the rain isn't helping.
I put up with her crying and arrive on Mr.Jones's doorstep.
I ring the doorbell.
My hair is soaking wet and I'm in tears.
He answers
"Hello - oh my god! Cass you must be freezing come in"
He touches my shoulders and lead me inside.
I'm shivering because it's so cold.
"We are not safe at home , you're the only person I could think of"
I admit to him
"Is it your mom?"
"Yes she is a drinker and she left my sister Cara in her diaper all day long so now she has a rash"
"Aw I'm so sorry."
I put her down on the mat.
"Do you mind if we stay here?"
"Of course not , maybe you could move in full time?"
I respond as he takes my coat off
"Here you can wear this"
He gives me his shirt.
I put it on and I feel lost in it
His aftershave melts into my skin and I feel safe.
He sits me down of his white couch
"Make yourself comfortable , you're safe here"
He walks into what I can assume is the kitchen.
"You must be rich Parker!?"
I tell him.
"I inherited money so I bought myself this place"
I search through Cara's bag and give her a teddy to play with.
She is soon sleeping on my lap and has her head against my stomach.
I feel at home here.
I feel safe.

Me and Mr.JonesWhere stories live. Discover now