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I wake up screaming and Parker is hiding me in his arms as I cry and try to get him off.
"Sh sh baby baby.. it's me"
"I'm sorry! Baby I'm so sorry!"
"Did you have a nightmare?"
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
I nod and I snuggle up against his chest.
"Close your eyes and talk baby. Try and remember everything"
"My dad wasn't a nice man as you probably already know"
He nods.
"I got home late one time because Jayden's mom bailed last minute and I had to walk about a mile"
"My dad was standing at the door with the belt in his hands."
"I walked through the front door and he shoves me into it as it closed."
"So you think you can come home late at this time , huh?"
"No dad it's not my fault... Jayden's mom bailed last minute so I walked."
I say as he puts the belt around his hand.
"You're coming upstairs with me while mommy has her fun with her dealer"
I cry as he grabs my hand.
He flings me up the stairs and I fall.
He yanks me up and makes me walk into his old bedroom before mom and him shared one.
"Please stop dad."
I plead with him as he yanks my shorts off since it was sports day on that particular day.
He positions me on the end and starts to spank me with his hand first over 30 times then he starts with the belt and lastly the paddle.
My ass is red raw by the end.
He quickly spins me around onto my ass which is stingy.
I end up screaming so he puts his hand over my mouth and unzips his jeans.
I struggle with him as he tries to get it inside of me
"Stop moving bitch!!"
"Stop it!! I don't like this! I don't want it"
"You've liked it and had it since you were 4 now shut up"
He penetrated me and I cried.
I look up to Parker and he's staring down at my shivering body.
"Would you be okay with me calling you daddy?"
"Of course baby girl but where'd the idea come from?"
"I think I'd prefer to call you daddy since I kinda like being submissive and dominated since my dad abused me , I have kinks that involve my trauma."
He nods.
"I'm gonna try and go back to sleep now daddy"
I say as I turn around
"Okay night my love"
"Night daddy"
I went out for a walk first thing in the morning and then I felt the warm trickle coming down my leg.
"Oh fuck..."'
I say as I tremble
"Dad is going to find you and hurt you for that accident."
I get back and sneak inside.
I change my trousers and put on shorts.

Me and Mr.JonesWhere stories live. Discover now