Revisting My Old House

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I am awoken by Parker shaking me
"You were having a nightmare."
He tells me as he holds my shaking body.
"What was I saying?"
I question as I hide my face in my hands
"I'm sorry and mommy don't hit me"
Tears are falling down my face.
He holds me in his arms before I decide to get up
"Do you mind if I have a shower Parker?"
I question as I take my hair out of its braid
"No I don't mind"
He does a giggle before saying.
" this is your home too."
He announces as he gets up and removes his boxers
I go into the bathroom and use it first then I remove my pyjamas and step into the shower
I let the water rush over my small body as I cry
I use some of his body wash and it smells amazing.
I dry my hair and go back into the bedroom.
He's dressed in sweatpants which sparks something inside me.
I look at him as I put my bra on.
"When do we have to go to my old house?"
I say as I put a black sweater in over my whit tank top.
"Whenever you want baby girl."
"Can we go after I get ready?"
"Yes but we have to have breakfast first"
"I'm not hungry"
I say I pull on a pair of ripped jeans.
"Baby girl , you have to eat. As long as you are here , you'll be eating"
"Okay okay"
I scoop Clara up into my arms and change her diaper.
"Diaper rash clearing up?"
Parker asks as he puts eggs on my plate.
"Yep , she's feeling better today not as fussy"
I look at her sitting on her baby mat and think have I made a bad decision but then I look into Parker's sincere eyes and realise I made a brilliant decision.
We are safe with him.
I decide to open up to him
"I was abused by my dad"
"When we moved here two years ago , he molested me."
"Where is he now?"
"He killed himself"
"I'm sorry"
He says as he puts a hand on my shoulder
"How long did he molest you for?"
"I was 4 when he started at 14 when he finished"
I muttered to him as I put a piece of egg in my mouth.
"I'm sorry that happened to you? How old is Clara?"
"5 months"
I respond as I put my plate in the dishwasher.
He makes a protein shake for him and a smoothie for me.
We leave the house at 10 when I know my mother won't be there.
She's selling herself for a score.
I pick the key up from under the gnome that sits outside our house
I put it into the key hole and soothe Clara whose in the baby wrap.
I open the door and the smell of booze hits me and by Parker's face it's hit him but he's trying to conceal it.
I finally speak
"Sorry about the smell."
"I'm used to it."
He responds.
There's papers everywhere and some needles on the kitchen table
The note is written on.
"I never loved you"
It hurts me deeply and I wipe my tears with my sleeve.
"Don't touch any needles please."
I tell him as I walk into my room.
I take my clothes and throw them into a bag.
I take my laptop and it's charger.
I put them into his car and go back inside
Parker is disassembling Clara's cot
"Thanks for doing this"
I say as I give Clara a teddy.
She sucks on its ears.
I pack up her toys and clothes.
I take out her diapers and wipes and everything that she needs.
I go back to the car and put them in.
I take my school bag and school supplies
"I'm ready to leave"
I say as I wipe another tear.
We lock up and I put the key back under the gnome.
I put Cara's carrier in the back and strap her into it.
I get back into the front and put on my seatbelt.
He drives off and he puts a hand on my thigh
"Everything is going to be fine."
"Is it?"
I question as I stare out the window
"Look at your sister , she's smiling, when's the last time you saw her do that?"
I look at Clara who's smiling at me and dribbling.
"Basically never"
I give her a pacifier to suck on , she starts to sleep.
He brings us back to the house
We go inside and he looks in the fridge and sighs.
"I need to go shopping"
He tells me.
"Can I come , I'm scared to be alone."
"Separation anxiety?"
He questions.
"Attachment disorder and PTSD , I can get withdrawn so don't take it personal."
I say as I strap Cara back into her carrier
She's asleep so I hope she'll stay asleep.
We get back into the car and drive to the store
I put Cara into the seat of the cart.
I push the cart into the store and we go to the first aisle.
"Can we buy whatever we want?"
I ask him
"Anything you want you get baby girl"
I smile.
I put some body lotion into the cart.
He puts some toilet paper into it.
I put some pads and tampons in just in case.
I can feel Parker's eyes divert to my ass
"like what you see?"
I taunt him by bending over a little banging my ass against his dick
I can feel it throbbing.
I move ahead but he pulls me back and kisses me.
We continue doing our shopping.
I get some candy for myself and some baby snacks for Cara.
We leave and go home
He restocks the fridge with beer and vodka and some other drinks
"I will allow you to drink just as long as you don't get wasted in public and you have to ask me before you take one."
"That's fair"
I say to him as I take Cara off her mat
"I'm going to put her down for a nap"
"Oh okay , I'll set up her cot tomorrow. We can build a nursery for her."
I bring her upstairs and lay her down in the cot.
I sit with her for a while until she settles down.
I go back downstairs and join Parker
"Can I please have a beer?"
"Sure you deserve it , can you get me one ?"
I pull out two beers from the pack.
I sit down beside him on the couch
I look straight into his eyes and sigh
"I want you to fuck me"
"Right here?"
He questions as he moves in closer to me
"Uh huh"
I kiss him and fight to get my clothes off.
He quickly undoes his belt and pulls down his sweatpants.
I suck on him
"That's it baby"
I keep going until he came.
He pushes me back onto the sofa and gets it in.
I moan as he retracts and goes back in again.
He whispers in my ear.
"Cum for me baby! Cum"
I do exactly what he says and he pulls away for me
"Good girl"
I put back on my clothes and we cuddle for a while before Cara wakes up.
I take her down and put her in a high chair and give her a bottle while Parker and I make dinner
"I love Chicken Pasta bake"
I smile as I mix in the breadcrumbs
"Me too"
He smiles.
He has an apron on which reads kiss the chef so that's what I do.
I drink the rest of my beer with my dinner.
"Oh I forgot to tell you that we have a backyard."
He shows me it and Cara goes on the swing with my assistance.
"I love it here"
I say as I take Cara back inside and put her into a onesie.
"I'm glad."
He says as he sits Cara on his lap.
Cara touches his top and starts to suck on it
"Clar- no"
"Hey it's okay"
He tells me as he lets her continue.
"How are you so good with kids?"
I question as I get another beer
"My mom had 7 of them. I was the second child"
"Damn 7 kids , it's just Cara and I now ,  I had a brother but my mom used drugs while she was in the early weeks and she had a miscarriage , I secretly hoped that she would get a backstreet abortion and bleed out so I wouldn't haven't take care of her and another kid for the rest of my life , ya know?"
"I do , i completely understand. The last kid popped out last year and I haven't seen her since birth. I don't talk to my sibling anymore because they side with my mother.
He mocks them
"They always side with them. My dad was just as bad as my mom."
I sigh as I sit down on the couch and pull the soft and cozy blanket over me.
"I feel like we were destined to meet"
He tells me as he sits down next to me.
"I do aswell"
I respond.
We went to bed early to get ready for the school day.
"What am I going to do about Cara?"
"There's a daycare for teen mothers at the school , she'll be safe there."
"I never knew about that"
"It's only for the teachers and students."
"I was thinking about the way our relationship has changed so you can drop in any time , if you need to just relax , if you need to cry or if you need to get fucked."
He smiles as he wraps his big arms around me
"I will"
I smile back at him before I turn off my light
"Thanks for saving us"
I whisper to him.
"You're welcome"

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