Life Is Different Now

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I wake up to Parker waking me up.
"Baby I cooked dinner it's downstairs come on"
"That's so nice of you"
I smile.
I come downstairs in my pyjamas and I sit at the dinner table as he dishes out the dinner.
I eat it and then we watch a movie.
He has a glass of wine and I have apple juice.
"I can already feel your bump"
He grins
"I know. I can't wait to go to the doctors to make sure everything is okay."
"Everything will be okay baby"
He smiles at me as we get into bed.
He puts his arms around my small bump as if to protect our baby from the world around us.
I wake up the next morning to Parker putting his jeans on.
"Gotta go to work now baby"
He kisses me
"I love you"
I smile as I turn over.
"Love you more"
He leaves and I go back to sleep for a while before Cara wakes up.
I feed her and then bring her back upstairs to get dressed.
I read her some of Romeo and Juliet even though I know she can't understand me.
I take her on a little walk to the park and swing her on the swing for a bit before the tiredness overwhelms me so I decide to go home.
I wave to Laura who waved to me first.
I put the keys in the door and get inside.
I close the door and realise that Cara had pooped.
"Did someone make a stink?"
I gag at the smell of her diaper.
I change it and then I throw up.
I clean myself up since some of it got on my clothes.
I put her down for her nap since she starts becoming fussy.
I take a shower and then I sit on the couch and watch tv and wait for Parker to come home
He arrives home at 3 on the dot.
"Hiya love"
I smile as I kiss him
"Hey sweetie"
He smiles and places his hand on the small bump.
"How've you been?"
"We went to the park also I threw up while changing Cara's diaper but I'm better now thanks for asking"
We eat dinner and then we snuggle and watch some tv before heading off to bed

Me and Mr.JonesWhere stories live. Discover now