1.2. The Fall of Skul

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Alex POV:

Dan, Aneisha and Frank have gone off to the road where the SKULL van is heading down. Tom and I are staying in HQ seeming as we are the computer people.

The plan was to have Aneisha be someone who is doing a survey on how bumpy the road is. I think it's an ok plan.

Dan, Aneisha and set up the security cameras around the area they will be working so that Tom and I can see what happens for different angles.

After everything is set up we didn't have to wait that long to till a van starts to drive down the road. Aneisha holds up the stop sign and the van slows down.

"Morning, sir. Patricia Snodaworth, road safety, just doing a survey on how bumpy" Aneisha says as she shows the man her fake ID.

"Now, would you say it was. A, bumpy? B, very bumpy? Or C, so bumpy it makes your teeth fall out?" Aneisha mimics a bumping motion that nearly makes her fake teeth fall out. I chuckle at that.

"Tom, Alex you're up. What do you see" Dan says as he points the x-ray gadget at the van.

"Wait, I've got something. Could it be a totally awesome laser cannon?" Tom says with his hopes up. Ha time for me to crush that.

" Haha, nope forget it, it's just a load of gardening tools. Nothing exciting there"

"So, I'll put you down as bumpy then. Not you the road. Drive safely now sir"Aneisha said to the man in the van. Tom and I watched as we saw a new van come drive up on the cameras.

"Heads up neish, there a van driving up the road" I say though the ear peace.

"Morning, sir. Patricia Snodsworth,
road safety" Aneisha says the same things as last time and me and Tom run the x-ray again.

"It's weird, I can't see inside." I hear Tom muttered to himself.

"A protective shield, maybe?" I suggest to him.

"Dan, they could be hiding something" Tom says to Dan and Frank through the ear peace. I look back at computer screens and see Dan going up to back wheel and attaches an explosive string. He give Aneisha a thumbs up to show that he is done.

"Er, what I'd really like to do is stick this Bumpometer inthe back of your van," Aneisha starts to say but was cut of by the man in the van.

"Tough!" The man yells as he pushes down on the engine and makes the van go speeding down the road. Dan and Frank come out of the hiding place and meet Aneisha in a middle of the road.

"Thought so" Dan says and he pressed the button on his device that makes the string explode and the van skid on the road, then stops. Aneisha, Frank and Dan then run up to the window of the passenger side.

"On the bright side, you're our first bad guys. Yay!" Aneisha says excitedly. Tom and I laugh at that. I then see something else that makes me laugh on the CCTV.

"Nice look Frank the birds nest suits you nicely" Frank then try's to take out some twigs before helping Dan and Aneisha tie up the bad guys.

"This V:9:5... If it's a bomb, it could need deactivating fast. So get ready." Frank warns everyone, so I get my bomb deactivating knowledge ready to show off the research that I have been doing over the six's weeks.

Frank then opens the door and there.... Not a bomb. It's was a girl, that it definitely weird. Is it bad that I wanted it to be a bomb? Only because I wanted to show off my knowledge, I'm not that psychotic.

"Look V:9:5" Dan pointed out.
"But how can a girl be SKUL's ultimate weapon?"

"Are you saying that woman can't be dangerous Daniel" I say teasing him.

"You know that's not what I mean" Dan says back, because if the CCTV I can see the look of irritation on his face. Ha!


"You've still got half a tree in here." The team and I walk into agent Stella office and see her picking leaves and sticks out of franks hair. Frank sees up and quickly turns around a to face us.

"Ah, team. You remember Stella.
Stella Knight.
Chief Agent Knight." And with that he walks away is a hurry. Stella turns to face us.

"Look after him, will you? Somebody has to." She says looking amused and walks away.

"Tension alert!" Aneisha picks up on. We then all walk towards the girl V:9:5 and she is playing with something on Stella's desk. Then it brakes. Stella sighed with annoyance.

"Now, why don't you start by telling us your name? You do have a name?" Stella starts to question the girl.

"V:9:5 Full name,V:9:5:Z:0:E6" the girl reply very robotically.

"And your parents? How do we contact them?" Frank then asks.

"I never knew my parents. Spent my whole life at SKUL, training to be a SKUL agent." The girl then sees the look that Stella and Frank gave each other and quickly continues

"But I didn't want to be there, I hated it!" By the look of Stella's face she did not believe V:9:5.

"Really? What does the lie detector say?" Stella says looking at Tom and I.

"Er, big squiggle, little squiggle" Tom started but I cut him off.

"She's telling the truth"

"You can cheat lie detectors." Dan stated obviously not believing the girl

"I'm not cheating. Please" The girl replied calmly. We really need to give her a name I can't keep calling her 'the girl or 'V:9:4'.

"Either way, if you hate SKUL so much, you won't mind telling us where the Grandmaster is, will you?" Stella says to the girl sharply. It's a bit obvious, she's getting annoyed with the lack of answers.


"Face it. She's got no idea where the SKUL base is." After about 5 minutes of questioning the girl knew nothing about the SKULL base or the grandmaster and in the end we got bored.

"Really. You buy she was blindfolded every time she left the building?" Dan says in reply to Tom. He does not believe anything the girl has said and probably never will until she proves herself trustworthy.

"It's possible. The Grandmaster doesn't trust anyone." Frank says. I don't know if he was defending the girl or just saying that in general.

"Just think, what if she was kept a prisoner her whole life?" Aneisha says sympathetically. There was then a beeping noise that filled the room. Did she eat the bomb was the plan the whole time, how did eating a bomb taste not very well i image. I express my thoughts out loud.

"Did she eat the bomb" to say the least I've got some very strange looks. I was wrong it was the girl watch that was beeping. It was kind of cool. It was like having a phone on your wrist.

"It's him. It's the Grandmaster."


Word count: 1845


I don't know whether to make Dan or Tom the love interest
For Tom, it would be a cute best friends to lovers thing

But then for Dan, it would be she just annoys him then a case if he fell first and she fell harder or the other way round
Then Tom would tease them both about it

Saying that Dan would be fun to write because I would have to change thing with Dan and Zoe meaning I can write more but idk comment on the one you what and when ever has the most is the one I would do.
Thanks for reading x

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