Wasteland Ruins

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Two dark silhouettes moved through the sun dried rocks of the Mojave Desert.

It was a moonless night and the wasteland was nearly pitch black. The only illumination came from the stars above, however if one had a keen eye they could make out the slight green glow of a helmets lenses out in the distance.

The sneaking figures made their way up a large hill, and as they rounded the crest the outline of a semi destroyed two story office building entered their view.

Laying down on the hilltop, one of the men raised a pair of weathered binoculars, hoping to get a better view of the buildings perimeter.

In front of the main entrance were several sandbag walls accompanied by two men wearing black combat armor. The two guards looked to be chatting with each other while standing around a campfire.

Despite using a set of binoculars the hill was still a fair distance away, making it hard to see what type of weapons these men wielded. Still, they could tell that they were using rifles of some sort.

The two sneaking men nodded to one another before moving forward. 

A change in the wind caused the guards fire to flair up, making them pause their conversation. They turned to look out into the darkness of the night as if they had just remembered what they had been hired to do.

The man with green glowing lenses quickly held out his hand to stop his partner, they had gotten closer but were still a ways off. 

They remained as firm as statues. 

The guards scanned the area in front of them, however the light of their fire made it near impossible to spot anything past a few yards thus they returned to their conversation.

Seeing this the man with glowing lenses made a motion with his hands. 

'Stay here'

He then proceeded forward alone.

Keeping himself low and sneaking up until he was just outside of the light of the campfire. He remained crouched beside a large rock then pulled something from his back. 

Taking a breath he raised the object up and walked forward.


The first shot hit the one on the left, he was mid sentence as the bullet entered his head, cutting him off and blowing his skull into a red mist.

The other guard jumped back and grabbed at his gun, his eyes locked onto the person that had just emerged from the darkness but his body was too slow to react as the man fired another shot.


The flash of the muzzle paired with the light of the fire revealed the last thing he would ever see, a man wearing desert ranger armor with the words "Forgive me mama" written on his helmet. 

The guards bodies dropped to the ground, one after another, the ranger kept his gun up but raised a fist calling for his partner to come forward.

The pair quickly made their way to the front of the building and stood beside the entrance. 

They waited for a few minutes in case the gunfire attracted some extra guests, keeping their guns trained on the double doors in silence.


It was still quiet both inside and out. 

They both holstered their rifles and walked towards the door. The mans partner gripped down on the handle and slowly opened it, taking care not to cause a loud creaking.

As they stood in the lobby the ranger took out a black laser pistol that resembled a plasma defender and motioned to a hallway on his left. His partner gave a silent nod and headed to the right while pulling out a combat knife.

The ranger checked each room he came across, slowly moving from door to door with inaudible footsteps.

Despite his cautiousness however he found nothing of great interest, one of the rooms had four sleeping guards which he disposed of with his knife, another was filled with its own collapsed ceiling, nothing that hinted at the reason for which he had come to this building in particular. 

Maybe were in the wrong building... he began to think.

He approached a bend in the hall, but as he leisurely turned the corner he froze in his stride.

Only about fifteen feet away, two men were sitting at a table beside a door. 

The ranger's eyes opened wide and he quickly jumped back around the corner. This time, more cautiously than before, he unsheathed one of his throwing knives and used the metal blade to catch a glimpse down the hall.

They were talking quietly, playing a game of cards under lamp light, beside one of them was a laser rifle leaning against the table and the other had some sort of pistol on his hip.

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